The East Asian Studies Program is pleased that we are now able to resume awarding grants to facilitate participation in conferences. Students may apply for grants to cover conference expenses up to $600. Preference will be given to East Asian Studies majors, minors, post-doctoral fellows, and graduate students. <\/p>\n\n\n\n
First-time applicants and applicants who have not received EASP grants in the previous two semesters will be given priority. Papers will be given preference over posters, and single-authored over co-authored presentations. Grants can be made in advance or by reimbursement. Applicants can apply for travel money for any conference for which they have received notice of formal participation in some form.<\/p>\n\n\n\n
For university-funded international travel, undergraduate students must also apply for approval from the Global Education Office and meet with one of their advisers as part of the approval process. For more information please see visit the Global Education Office website<\/a> or write<\/a>.<\/p>\n\n\n\n
Students apply online. All applicants must submit a copy of the confirmation of the presentation (letter or email is acceptable) with the applicant\u2019s name clearly listed as a presenter or performer, a two-page proposal that consists of the presentation abstract, a statement about how the conference participation is relevant to the student\u2019s studies, and a brief letter of recommendation from faculty submitted directly to<\/a>.<\/p>\n\n\n\n