
Entertainment internships are a useful starting point for gaining employment in the industry and are a critical way of developing personal contacts, necessary interpersonal skills, and insights into the inner workings of \u201cthe business.\u201d<\/p>\n\n\n\n

You can earn 1 credit for an internship per academic term that you are engaged in the internship. You must be doing the internship during the academic term in which you receive credit for the internship. You may not be paid for the internship if you are earning academic credit.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

You may earn credit for an internship that takes place during the summer. Regular summer session registration deadlines must be followed. We encourage students interested in internships to consider applying for the summers following their sophomore and junior years.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

To find an internship, make an appointment to speak with Linda Delibero<\/a> or visit Handshake<\/a>. If you have or know of an internship you would like to have posted, please email Melissa Capello<\/a>.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Student Internship Stories<\/h2>\n\n\n\n

“In the Summer of 2019, I interned at ICM Partners. There\u2019s no way in heaven that I would have gotten this internship if not for the amazing connections I made through JHU\u2019s Film and Media Studies (FMS) department. I met Laura Gordon, a JHU alum and a tenacious young agent at ICM, the prior Intersession when I joined the annual LA trip with Professor Linda DeLibero. This one connection led to a brief email correspondence, a flagged application, and finally a successful interview. I had gotten my foot in the door, so to say, thanks to the network cultivated by Hopkins.”<\/p>\nJakob Pollack, Class of 2020<\/cite><\/blockquote>\n\n\n\n


“I interned in Los Angeles at Beachside Films and Mandeville Films, the latter a job I landed with help from a JHU alumna who was working there at the time. I read script submissions, wrote script coverage, covered desks for the producer\u2019s assistants, and researched potential development material. I particularly enjoyed presenting my notes on scripts during company meetings, as it allowed me to directly participate in the daily workings of a production company.”<\/p>\nChaconne Martin-Berkowitz, Class of 2017<\/cite><\/blockquote>\n\n\n\n


The intersession networking trip in LA gave me a clear idea of how to navigate a career in entertainment and what practical steps I could take now to one day land my dream job. The connections I made helped me land an internship at Skydance Media working in their digital marketing department. There, I was able to see how companies cultivate relationships with fans firsthand while also utilizing my creative skills in new ways. <\/p>\nBrandt Matthews, Class of 2020<\/cite><\/blockquote>\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"

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