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Film Screening: Do Bigha Zamin (1953)

March 26 @ 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Image is square divided into two vertical rectangles with an image in each. Left image is a black and white still from the 1953 film Do Bigha Zamin. Right image is a photograph of Hopkins professor Michael Levien.

Join us for the fifth screening of the Film in South Asia series, hosted jointly by the Global South Humanities Initiative and the Department of Anthropology. Professor Michael Levien will be introducing Do Bigha Zamin, a 1953 film by Bimal Roy about a poor farmer who is forced to seek work in the city in order to save his land from the designs of a wealthy landlord.

The Film in South Asia series is affiliated with Anthropology course AS.070.218 (01), but all members of the Hopkins community are welcome to attend screenings.

Optional reading: Samantha Agarwal and Michael Levien, “Dalits and Dispossession: A Comparison.” Journal of Contemporary Asia50(5), 2019.