Careers<\/h2>\n\n\n\nRecent graduates of the PhD program in Italian have tenured or tenure-track appointments at Pace University, Fordham University, Georgetown University, Southeastern Louisiana University, Syracuse University, the University of Delaware, Villanova University, Ghent University, and Trinity College, Dublin. A number of Hopkins graduates in Italian Studies have also secured post-doctoral positions such as the prestigious and competitive Marie Curie Fellowships.<\/p>\n\n\n\n
Along with curricular activities, the Italian program runs a series of invited talks, the Lector(es) in Fabula reading group of literary theory and criticism, as well as \ufb01lm screenings and panel discussions with authors and \ufb01lm directors. Our students are also active in the organization of graduate conferences. Recent conferences include The Many Forms of the Decameron: Interpretations, Translations and Adaptations (2015), and Versus: Antagonism, Self-Criticism, and Hostility in Literature and Art (2016). Finally, our advanced graduate students have the opportunity to collaborate to the editing of the Italian issue of the journal Modern Language Notes.<\/p>\n\n\n\n