Doug Barrick (he)
Thomas C. Jenkins Professor in Biophysics and Chair
Contact Information
- barrick@jhu.edu
- 216 Jenkins Hall
- 410-516-0409
- Group/Lab Website
Research Interests: Statistical thermodynamics in biological systems; stability and folding of modular proteins, relations between amino acid sequence, consensus, and evolution; physical chemistry, structure, and function in Notch signaling.
Education: PhD, Stanford University
Gregory Bowman
Contact Information
- gdbowman@jhu.edu
- 302 Jenkins Hall
- 410-516-7850
- Group/Lab Website
Research Interests: DNA architecture, chromosome packaging, molecular motors
Education: PhD, Princeton University
Brian Camley
Assistant Professor
Contact Information
- bcamley@jhu.edu
- 243 Bloomberg
- 410-516-7683
- Group/Lab Website
Research Interests: Cell motility, chemotaxis, collective motion, soft matter, and fluid mechanics in cell biology
Education: PhD, University of California, Santa Barbara
Karen Fleming
Contact Information
- Karen.Fleming@jhu.edu
- 416 Jenkins Hall
- 410-516-7256
- Group/Lab Website
Research Interests: Membrane proteins, protein sorting, chaperone function, protein folding, thermodynamics of protein-protein interactions in membranes, membrane protein modeling
Education: PhD, Georgetown University
Bertrand García-Moreno
Professor; Executive Vice Dean
Contact Information
- bertrand@jhu.edu
- 002 Jenkins Hall
- 410-516-4497
Research Interests: Experimental and computational studies of protein electrostatics, structure-based energy calculations, ligand-driven conformational transitions
Education: PhD, Indiana University
Thomas Graham
Assistant Professor
Contact Information
Research Interests: Transcriptional regulation, single-molecule biophysics, live imaging of molecular interactions
Education: PhD, Harvard University
Yuan He
Bloomberg Distinguished Professor of Structural Biophysics and Chromatin Biology
Contact Information
- yuanhe@jhu.edu
- 169 Mergethaler Hall
- 401-516-0770
Research Interests: Structure and mechanism of how cells read, write and repair the genome; biophysics, structural biology, large protein-DNA assemblies
William Huang
Assistant Professor
Contact Information
- whuang@jhu.edu
- 168 Mergenthaler Hall
- Group/Lab Website
Research Interests: Biochemical reactions at the cell membrane; signal transduction; single-molecule imaging, spectroscopy, and assays
Education: PhD, University of California, Berkeley
Margaret Johnson
Associate Professor
Contact Information
- margaret.johnson@jhu.edu
- 121C Mergenthaler
- 410-516-2376
- Group/Lab Website
Research Interests: Self-assembly and self-organization in cell biology. Clathrin-mediated endocytosis. Statistical mechanics, modeling dynamical systems.
Education: PhD, UC Berkeley
Juliette Lecomte
Contact Information
- lecomte_jtj@jhu.edu
- 116 Jenkins Hall
- 410-516-7019
- Group/Lab Website
Research Interests: Structure and dynamics of proteins in solution by NMR spectroscopy
Education: PhD, Carnegie-Mellon University
Sarah Woodson
T.C. Jenkins Professor
Contact Information
- swoodson@jhu.edu
- 402 Jenkins Hall
- 410-516-2015
- Group/Lab Website
Research Interests: Folding and dynamics of RNA and RNA-protein complexes
Education: PhD, Yale University
Yaojun Zhang
Assistant Professor
Contact Information
- yaojunz@jhu.edu
- Bloomberg 251
- 410-516-1306
- Group/Lab Website
Research Interests: Theoretical and computational biophysics, including biomolecular phase separation, intracellular transport, single molecule mechanics, and genome organization
Education: PhD, University of California, San Diego
Lecturers, Teaching & Research faculty
Ana Damjanovic
Assistant Research Professor
Contact Information
- adamjan1@jhu.edu
- Mergenthaler 121B
- 410-516-2384
- Group/Lab Website
Research Interests: Ion Channels, Protein And Membrane Electrostatics
Education: PhD, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Evgenia Nikolova
Assistant Research Professor
Contact Information
- enikolova@jhu.edu
- 312 Jenkins Hall
- (410) 516-8741
Maria Procopio
Senior Lecturer & Associate Research Scientist
Contact Information
- mprocop2@jhu.edu
- UTL G85
- 410-516-7245
Research Interests: Weak magnetic field effects in biology, magnetoreception, quantum biology
Education: PhD, University of Bologna
Jaime Sorenson
Senior Lecturer - Faculty
Contact Information
- jsorens6@jhu.edu
- Undergrad Teaching Lab (UTL) G83
- 410-516-7248
Education: PhD, Johns Hopkins University
Jessica Appel
Sr. Administrative Manager
Contact Information
- jappel@jhu.edu
- 101 Jenkins Hall
- 410-516-7243
Nancy Foltz
Sr. Grants and Contracts Analyst
Contact Information
- nfoltz@jhu.edu
- 103 Jenkins Hall
- 410-516-0218
Alexandre Labat (He/Him/His)
Academic Program Administrator
Contact Information
- alabat1@jhu.edu
- Mergenthaler 121A
- 410-516-0561
Ken Rutledge
Sr. Systems Engineer
Contact Information
- krutledg@jhu.edu
- 109 Jenkins Hall
- 410-516-0581
Katie Tripp
Technical Facilities Manager, Center for Molecular Biophysics
Contact Information
- tripp@jhu.edu
- 70E Mergenthaler Hall
- 410-516-3598
Education: PhD, Johns Hopkins University
professors emeriti
Richard Cone
Professor Emeritus
Contact Information
Research Interests: Mucosal protection by vaginal microbiota, lactic acid, and antibodies
Education: PhD, University of Chicago
George D. Rose
Krieger-Eisenhower Professor Emeritus, JHU Academy Professor, and Research Professor
Contact Information
- grose@jhu.edu
- 202 Jenkins Hall
- 410-516-7244
Research Interests: Theoretical approaches to protein folding
Education: PhD, Oregon State University
Affiliated Faculty
Christopher Falzone
Teaching Professor, Department of Chemistry
Contact Information
- falzone@jhu.edu
- New Chemistry 314
- 410-516-7467
Education: PhD, Clarkson University
Ernesto Freire
Henry Walters Professor, Department of Biology
Contact Information
- ef@jhu.edu
- 114A Biology East
- 410-516-7743 | Lab 410-516-7742
Research Interests: Structure-based thermodynamics of molecular recognition and function
Education: PhD, University of Virginia
Stephen D. Fried
Assistant Professor
Contact Information
- sdfried@jhu.edu
- 121 Remsen
- 410-516-7835
- Group/Lab Website
Research Interests: Protein Folding, Proteomics, Biomaterials, Origins of Life
Education: PhD, Stanford University
Vincent Hilser
Professor and Chair, Department of Biology
Contact Information
- hilser@jhu.edu
- 117A Biology East
- 410-516-6072 | Lab 410-516-6757
- Group/Lab Website
Research Interests: Protein conformational fluctuations and their role in function, adaptation and disease
Education: PhD, Johns Hopkins University
Evangelos Moudrianakis
Professor, Department of Biology
Contact Information
- vanm@jhu.edu
- 130A Levi
- 410-516-7305 | Lab 410-516-7303
Research Interests: Assembly and dynamics of nucleoproteins and chromosomes; bacterial and chloroplast bioenergetics
Education: PhD, Johns Hopkins University
Robert Schleif
Professor, Department of Biology
Contact Information
- schleif@jhu.edu
- 239 Mudd Hall
- 410-516-5206 | Lab 410-516-5207
Research Interests: Protein-DNA interactions and regulation of gene activity
Education: PhD, University of California, Berkeley
Alexandra Tan
Program Director, Post-Baccalaureate Health Science Intensive Program, AAP
Director, Post-Baccalaureate Premedical Program
Contact Information
- alextan@jhu.edu
- Wyman S715
Education: PhD, Johns Hopkins University
Craig Townsend
Alsoph H. Corwin Professor, Department of Chemistry
Contact Information
- ctownsend@jhu.edu
- Remsen 252
- 410-516-7444
- Group/Lab Website
Research Interests: Organic and bioorganic chemistry
Education: PhD, Yale University
postdoctoral fellows & research scientists
Ilana Nodelman
Associate Research Scientist
Contact Information
- inodelm1@jhu.edu
- 301 Jenkins Hall
- 410-516-3476
Bradleigh Palmer
Research Specialist
Contact Information
- bnavals1@jhu.edu
- Mergenthaler 166
Education: PhD, Biology, Johns Hopkins University
research & visiting faculty
Krastan Blagoev
Associate Research Scientist
Contact Information
- krastan@jhu.edu
- Mergenthaler Hall, Room 121A
- 410-516-0561
Jamie Schlessman
Professor, United States Naval Academy
Contact Information
- jschles3@jhu.edu
- 110 Jenkins Hall
- 410-516-4498
Education: PhD, California Institute of Technology