The Krieger School at a Glance

Icon for 7:1Students to Faculty

Students to Faculty

Most classes have fewer than 20 students, and build a close personal connection with faculty.

Icon for 12Nobel Prize Winners

Nobel Prize Winners

Most recently, Adam Riess, Bloomberg Distinguished Professor of Astronomy, won the Nobel Prize for showing the expansion of the universe is accelerating.

Icon for 60+Majors and Minors

Majors and Minors

With no core curriculum, students are provided the freedom to choose the courses that matter most to them.

Icon for 377Faculty Members

Faculty Members

Our faculty members hold some of the world’s most esteemed prizes and awards such as the Nobel, Guggenheim, Packard, and Simons.

The Undergraduate Experience

The Krieger School of Arts & Sciences sets the standard for excellence in research-based undergraduate education.

Students sitting on the quad, gathered around a large checkerboard playing a game of checkers

KSAS Spotlight

Every first-year student at Johns Hopkins enrolls in a First-Year Seminar (FYS) of their choice. These small, intimate, conversation-focused classes cross academic disciplines, and help students build connections that will serve them for the next four years. Each seminar is unique to the faculty teaching it, but all are discussion-based with embedded experiential learning.

News from The Hub

Attentive mice listening for a tone

Brain imaging reveals surprises about learning

Mar 19, 2025

By revealing for the first time what happens in the brain when an animal makes a mistake, JHU researchers shed light on the holy grail of neuroscience: the mechanics of how we learn

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Happy spring 🌷

#JHU #JohnsHopkins
Ever wonder what’s going on inside your dog’s mind? 🦮 The Canine Minds Collaborative at Johns Hopkins teams up with local pet owners to study how dogs think, solve problems, and interact with the world. Through interactive cognitive games, researchers study how dogs make decisions, remember things, and interact socially. Learn more through the link in our bio.

#JHU #JohnsHopkins

Arts & Sciences Magazine Fall 2024 Issue

Fall 2024 cover showing an antique book open to an illustration of a plant with a yellow flower pressed into the page.

Cover Story: Stern Center Page Turners

A Johns Hopkins research center mines the rich history of Renaissance books to forge connections with humanities scholars and students.

Arts and Sciences Meets AI

How researchers are tapping into the power of artificial intelligence to propel research advances in history, sociology, and more.

Rooted in Baltimore

Krieger School researchers and scholars partner with individuals and organizations to identify challenges and create solutions.

Support the Krieger School

The School of Arts & Sciences offers a stellar education that positions its students as the best of the best and trains them to be future leaders. Help us ensure that a Hopkins education is attainable to every deserving student, regardless of financial ability

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