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Faisal Abualhassan

Faisal Abualhassan

  • Research Interests:  19th and 20th century Imperialism, Imperial subjects in transnational exchanges, France, the French Empire and the Arab world, Afro-Arab worlds, and Comparative historical-sociological methods
  • Main Adviser: Professor Shepard
Ibanca Anand

Ibanca Anand

  • Research Interests:  Modern US History, History of Political Economy, Intellectual History, History of the Social Sciences, Liberalism and Progressivism in the 20th Century, Cold War History, Agricultural and Environmental History
  • Main Adviser: Professor Burgin

Halle-Mackenzie Ashby

Isabelle Avci

Emmanuel Awine

  • Research Interests:  African History, Slavery and Colonialism, Public History, African-American History, and Urban History
  • Main Adviser: Professor Gondola, Professor Thornberry

Olivia Barnard

Benjamin Barrett

  • Research Interests:  Early Modern France and French Empire, the French Revolution, the Mediterranean, Political History, Intellectual History, Cultural History
  • Main Adviser: Professor Kwass
Achinoam Bentov

Achinoam Bentov

  • Research Interests:  Early modern Ukraine, the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, Seventeenth-Century Warfare, 1648-1649 Massacres, General Crisis, Mass Violence in Global History, and Steppe History
  • Main Adviser: Professor Maciejko

Jai Bishop

Laurence Bond

Laurence Bond

  • Research Interests:  Late-medieval England, heresy, religion, popular devotion, social history, cultural history, and intellectual history
  • Main Adviser: Professor Lester
Lee Borocz-Johnson

Lee Borocz-Johnson

  • Research Interests:  History of Political Thought, Intellectual History, Historiography, Textual Criticism, Early Modern Britain, Colonial America, Atlantic History, History of the Common Law, The English Romantics, History of Constitutional Thought, Ecclesiastical Constitutionalism,[…]
  • Main Adviser: Professor Marshall
Arianna Browne

Arianna Browne

  • Research Interests:  Slavery & Abolition, 18th and 19th Century Slavery in the United States and British West Indies, and Race and Gender
  • Main Adviser: Professor Johnson, Professor Turner
Jacob Bruggeman

Jacob Bruggeman

  • Research Interests:  19th and 20th century U.S. history, history of ideas, social histories of capitalism in the Gilded Age and Progressive Era, political economy, print media and identity, economic and cultural geography,[…]
  • Main Adviser: Professor Burgin, Professor Furstenberg

Malek Cheikh

Broderick Dunlap

Broderick Dunlap

  • Research Interests:  Black Radical History and Thought, History of Capitalism, Urban History and Political Economy, and A Feminist History of the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade
  • Main Adviser: Professor Makalani
Eric Eisner

Eric Eisner

  • Research Interests:  American Legal History, Colonial America, Early American Republic, Race, Property Law, Federal Indian Law, and Native American History
  • Main Adviser: Professor Pearsall

Nir Eydan

  • Research Interests:  Early Modern France, Cultural History, History of Medicine, and Popular Culture
  • Main Adviser: Professor Kwass
Joao Gabriel

Joao Gabriel

  • Research Interests:  Prison, Slavery, Abolition, Guadeloupe, 19th-century French colonialism, and Capitalism
  • Main Adviser: Professor Shepard, Professor Turner
Autumn George

Autumn George (she/her)

  • Research Interests:  Medieval Prayer Books, Manuscript Conservation, Paleography, Codicology, History of the Book, the Cult of the Virgin, the Cult of Saint Catherine of Alexandria, Laywomen’s Religious Communities, Medieval Women Mystics, and[…]
  • Main Adviser: Professor Lester

Kalina Hadzhikova

  • Research Interests:  Medieval history, medieval historiography, crusades, history of mental illness, cultural history, and intellectual history
  • Main Adviser: Professor Spiegel
Dominique Hazzard

Dominique Hazzard

  • Research Interests:  20th Century U.S. History, Urban History, Black Geographies, African American Intellectual History, Environmental History, Food Studies
  • Main Adviser: Professor Connolly
Jessica Hester

Jessica Hester

  • Research Interests:  Nineteenth- and twentieth-century U.S. history, history of medicine, African American history, American Reconstruction, sensory history, history of emotions, urban history, women and gender studies, museum studies, public history and community[…]
  • Main Adviser: Professor Connolly
Catherine Hinchliff

Catherine Hinchliff

  • Research Interests:  Early Modern Britain
  • Main Adviser: Professor Marshall
Magdalene Klassen

Magdalene Klassen

  • Research Interests:  Labour, Sexuality, Migration, Morality, and Transnational Urban history
  • Main Adviser: Professor Hindmarch-Watson, Professor Moss

Laura Konisek

Noah Kulick

Alexandra Langer

  • Research Interests:  18th-century British Empire, colonial America, transatlantic communication, print media, and public opposition
  • Main Adviser: Professor Pearsall
Arthur Lee

Arthur Lee

  • Research Interests:  Early Modern France, the French Revolution, cultural and social history, history of information, news and rumor, and the French Atlantic
  • Main Adviser: Professor Kwass

MaDeja Leverett

J.J. Lopez Haddad

J.J. Lopez Haddad

  • Research Interests:  Medieval Mediterranean & Middle East, Medieval Europe, Social History, Religious Difference & Minorities, and Eastern Churches
  • Main Adviser: Professor el-Leithy, Professor Lester

Fan Mang

Blake Marlowe

Blake Marlowe (she/her)

  • Research Interests:  Genocide, race and ethnic studies, rights activism, 20th Century US history, international law, and US intervention in the twentieth century
  • Main Adviser: Professor Makalani
Vincenza Mazzeo

Vincenza Mazzeo

  • Research Interests:  African History (focus on Southern Africa in Africa and the World), Social Movement Theory, Political Histories of Health, Science, Medicine, and the Body, Transnational, African and Black Feminist Theory, Oral[…]
  • Main Adviser: Professor Thornberry, Professor Shepard

Nicholas McKenna

  • Research Interests:  American Revolution in a global and Atlantic context, early modern world systems theory, Indigenous history in the Americas, colonial encounters in the Americas, transatlantic print culture and media circulation, cultural[…]
  • Main Adviser: Professor Furstenberg, Professor Pearsall
Amrish Nair

Amrish Nair

  • Research Interests:  Early Modern Spain, History of Religious Difference, Conversion, the Mediterranean
  • Main Adviser: Professor E. Rowe, Professor Lester
Jessica Newby

Jessica Newby

  • Research Interests:  Late eighteenth and nineteenth century Caribbean and the American South, comparative slavery, enslaved women, sexuality, violence, agency and resistance in the Black Atlantic, American Reconstruction era, and Black feminist theory[…]
  • Main Adviser: Professor Jackson, Professor Johnson, Professor Turner

Mihai Olteanu

Elena Palazzolo

Elena Palazzolo

  • Research Interests:  Food, Consumerism, Agriculture and the Environment, Race and Reconciliation, the Gilded Age and Progressive era, and Digital Humanities
  • Main Adviser: Professor Furstenberg, Professor Jones

Sandy Peeples

Malaurie Pilatte

Malaurie Pilatte

  • Research Interests:  19th and 20th century U.S History, African American History, African American Women’s History, Gender and Womanhood, History of Ideas, Transnational histories & mobility (focus on France and Francophone world), and[…]
  • Main Adviser: Professor Connolly, Professor Jones

Afua Quarshie

Anna Roberts

Anna Roberts

  • Research Interests:  Global history of snuffboxes and snuff-taking, histories of gender and sexuality, eighteenth-century consumer revolution and material life, 17-19th-c British political thought, patronage relations, politics and graphic satire
  • Main Adviser: Professor Marshall
Wesley Sampias

Wesley Sampias

  • Research Interests:  Modern Japan, Histories of Medicine and Public Health, Cultural and Social History, Animal Histories, and Colonialism
  • Main Adviser: Professor Kim, Professor Meyer-Fong

Alex Sanchez

  • Research Interests:  Nineteenth and twentieth century Spanish Caribbean, healing knowledge and practices, public health, race, and Euro- and Euro-American imperialism
  • Main Adviser: Professor Johnson, Professor Lurtz
Ethan Geon Tokko

Ethan Geon Tokko

  • Research Interests:  Modern Korea and Japan, race and empire, transpacific diaspora, South Korean democratization movement, protest culture, oral history, memory politics
  • Main Adviser: Professor Lim, Professor Kim
Joseph Wallace

Joseph Wallace

  • Research Interests:  American Legal History, The Early American Republic, Atlantic History, Early Modern France, and the History of Capitalism
  • Main Adviser: Professor Furstenberg
Sheridon Ward

Sheridon Ward

  • Research Interests:  Mid-late Medieval Europe, gender and sexuality, medicine and healing communities, reproductive health, midwifery, herbal traditions, education and literacy, and material culture and images
  • Main Adviser: Professor Fissell, Professor Lester
Pelia Werth

Pelia Werth

  • Research Interests:  Mid-late medieval Europe, women's experiences of religion, religious and semi-religious communities, pilgrimage and virtual pilgrimage, religious drama, interfaith relations, Jewish life in medieval England, vernacular literature, and gender and sexuality
  • Main Adviser: Professor Lester
Julia Wu

Julia Wu

  • Research Interests:  Comparative Empires, Colonial Institutions, Race and Ethnicity, Memory, Ritual, and Qing China
  • Main Adviser: Professor Meyer-Fong, Professor W. Rowe

Rachel Yang

  • Research Interests:  France-China Exchanges in the 17th-18th c, Transnational History, Intellectual History, Translations, and Global Enlightenment
  • Main Adviser: Professor Kwass
Alexander Young

Alexander Young

  • Research Interests:  African history, French history, book history, media theory, decolonization, twentieth-century history, cultural history, intellectual history, literary history, and Jewish history
  • Main Adviser: Professor Shepard
Xueqian Zhang

Xueqian Zhang

  • Research Interests:  Social and economic history of late imperial China, history of knowledge, circulation of silver in the early modern world
  • Main Adviser: Professor Meyer-Fong
Václav Zheng

Václav Zheng

  • Research Interests:  Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe, Czech and Polish Renaissance, Utopian History, History of the Future, History of Emotions, Historical Theory and Historiography
  • Thesis Title: "Utopian Desire in Late Jagiellonian Poland, 1543-1572"
  • Main Adviser: Professor Maciejko

Yushuang Zheng