
Jacob Bernstein
Vice-Chair and Professor
Contact Information
- jberns15@jhu.edu
- Krieger 408
- 410-516-6089
Research Interests: Geometric analysis
Education: PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Emily Braley
Assistant Dean for Undergraduate Academic Affairs
Associate Teaching Professor
Contact Information
- ebraley1@jhu.edu
- Krieger 407
Research Interests: Mathematics education, professional development for teaching
Education: PhD, University of North Carolina

Richard Brown
Director of Undergraduate Studies
Teaching Professor
Contact Information
- richardbrown@jhu.edu
- Krieger 403
- Group/Lab Website
Research Interests: Dynamical systems, low dimensional topology
Education: PhD, University of Maryland

Caterina Consani
Contact Information
- cconsan1@jhu.edu
- Krieger 410B
Research Interests: Arithmetic geometry, number theory, non-commutative geometry
Education: PhD, University of Chicago

Joseph Cutrone
Director of Online Programs
Associate Teaching Professor
Contact Information
- jcutron2@jhu.edu
- Krieger 301
Research Interests: Algebraic geometry
Education: PhD, Johns Hopkins University; MBA, Johns Hopkins University

Benjamin Dodson
Contact Information
- bdodson4@jhu.edu
- Krieger 214
Research Interests: Partial differential equations, harmonic analysis
Education: PhD, University of North Carolina

David Gepner
Contact Information
- gepner@jhu.edu
- Krieger 410
Research Interests: Algebraic topology, algebraic K-theory, higher category theory
Education: PhD, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Rok Gregoric
J.J. Sylvester Assistant Professor
Contact Information
- rgrego12@jhu.edu
- Krieger 311
Research Interests: Homotopy theory and algebraic geometry
Education: PhD, University of Texas at Austin

Mee Seong Im
Associate Research Professor
Contact Information
- meeseong@jhu.edu
- Krieger 419
Research Interests: Geometric and topological aspects of (Grothendieck-)Springer fibers, topological quantum field theories, representations of Lie superalgebras
Education: PhD, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Mikhail Khovanov
Contact Information
- khovanov@jhu.edu
- Krieger 421
Research Interests: Categorification, representation theory, low-dimensional topology
Education: PhD, Yale University

Nitu Kitchloo
Contact Information
- nitu@jhu.edu
- Krieger 408A
Research Interests: Symplectic geometry, topology of Kac-Moody groups, classical algebraic topology
Education: PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Huajie Li
J.J. Sylvester Assistant Professor
Contact Information
- hli213@jhu.edu
- Krieger 222
Research Interests: Number theory, automorphic forms
Education: PhD, Université de Paris

Hans Lindblad
Contact Information
- hlindbl1@jhu.edu
- Krieger 406
Research Interests: Partial differential equations, nonlinear wave equations
Education: PhD, Lund Institute of Technology

Fei Lu
Associate Professor
Contact Information
- flu15@jhu.edu
- Krieger 218
Research Interests: Malliavin calculus, stochastic PDE, stochastic modeling in scientific computing, statistical inference, and data assimilation
Education: PhD, University of Kansas

Mauro Maggioni
Bloomberg Distinguished Professor
Contact Information
Education: PhD, Washington University in St. Louis

Kobe Marshall-Stevens
J.J. Sylvester Assistant Professor
Contact Information
- kmarsh34@jhu.edu
- Krieger 313
Research Interests: Geometric analysis
Education: PhD, University College London

Fanjun Meng
J.J. Sylvester Assistant Professor
Contact Information
- fmeng3@jhu.edu
- Krieger 219
Research Interests: Algebraic geometry
Education: PhD, Northwestern University

Chikako Mese
Contact Information
- cmese1@jhu.edu
- Krieger 314
Research Interests: Differential geometry, geometric analysis
Education: PhD, Stanford University

Chamsol Park
J.J. Sylvester Assistant Professor
Contact Information
- cspark@jhu.edu
- Krieger 313
Research Interests: Harmonic analysis, partial differential equations: Helmholtz and wave equations, microlocal analysis
Education: PhD, University of New Mexico

Daniel Restrepo
J.J. Sylvester Assistant Professor
Contact Information
- drestre1@jhu.edu
- Krieger 213
Research Interests: Calculus of variations and partial differential equations
Education: PhD, University of Texas at Austin

Emily Riehl
Kelly Miller Professor
Contact Information
- eriehl@jhu.edu
- Krieger 312
Research Interests: Category theory, homotopy theory
Education: PhD, University of Chicago

Yiannis Sakellaridis
Contact Information
- sakellar@jhu.edu
- Krieger 210
- 410-516-7403
Research Interests: Automorphic forms, number theory, representation theory
Education: PhD, Stanford University

David Savitt
Chair and Professor
Contact Information
- savitt@jhu.edu
- Krieger 212
Research Interests: Number theory
Education: PhD, Harvard University

Vyacheslav Shokurov
Contact Information
- shokurov@jhu.edu
- Krieger 410A
- 410-516-7410
Research Interests: Algebraic geometry
Education: PhD, Moscow State University

Alexander Shumakovitch
Senior Lecturer and IT Administrator
Contact Information
- shurik@jhu.edu
- Krieger 412
Research Interests: Low-dimensional topology, knot theory
Education: PhD, Uppsala University

Yannick Sire
Director of Graduate Studies
Contact Information
- ysire1@jhu.edu
- Krieger 208
Research Interests: Partial differential equations, harmonic and geometric analysis, dynamical systems
Education: PhD, Institut National des Sciences Appliquees de Toulouse (France)

Christopher Sogge
J.J. Sylvester Professor
Contact Information
- sogge@jhu.edu
- Krieger 414
Research Interests: Fourier analysis, partial differential equations
Education: PhD, Princeton University

Xiong Wang
J.J. Sylvester Assistant Professor
Contact Information
- xiong_wang@jhu.edu
- Krieger 311
Research Interests: Gaussian processes, stochastic partial differential equations and data-driven stochastic models
Education: PhD, University of Alberta

Yi Wang
Contact Information
- ywang261@jhu.edu
- Krieger 216
Research Interests: Geometric analysis, nonlinear partial differential equations
Education: PhD, Princeton University

Zhiren Wang
Contact Information
- zwang516@jhu.edu
- Krieger 220
Research Interests: Homogeneous dynamical systems, classification of group actions, number theory, and machine learning
Education: PhD, Princeton University

Yueqiao Wu
J.J. Sylvester Assistant Professor
Contact Information
- ywu347@jhu.edu
- Krieger 405
Research Interests: Non-Archimedean geometry and algebraic geometry
Education: PhD, University of Michigan

Yang Yang
J.J. Sylvester Assistant Professor
Contact Information
- yyang@jhu.edu
- Krieger 219
Research Interests: Partial differential equations and geometric analysis
Education: PhD, University of California, Irvine

Murilo Corato Zanarella
J.J. Sylvester Assistant Professor
Contact Information
- mzanare1@jhu.edu
- Krieger 222
Research Interests: Arithmetic aspects of the (relative) Langlands program, Euler systems and Iwasawa theory
Education: PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Zihui Zhao
Assistant Professor
Contact Information
- zhaozh@jhu.edu
- Krieger 303
Research Interests: Geometric measure theory, harmonic analysis, partial differential equations, and geometric analysis
Education: PhD, University of Washington

Ziquan Zhuang
Contact Information
- zzhuang@jhu.edu
- Krieger 408B
Research Interests: Algebraic geometry
Education: PhD, Princeton University
Associated Faculty

Gregory Eyink
Department of Applied Mathematics & Statistics
Contact Information
Research Interests: Mathematical physics, fluid mechanics, turbulence, dynamical systems, partial differential equations, non-equilibrium statistical physics, geophysics and climate, astrophysics, and plasma physics
Education: PhD, Ohio State University

Edinah Gnang
Assistant Professor
Department of Applied Mathematics & Statistics
Contact Information
Research Interests: Discrete mathematics, graph theory, multilinear algebra, image analysis, experimental math
Education: PhD, Rutgers University

Tim Kunisky
Assistant Professor
Department of Applied Mathematics & Statistics
Contact Information
Research Interests: Probability theory, statistics, mathematical data science, convex optimization, discrete mathematics, computational complexity
Education: PhD, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences
postdoctoral fellows

Timothy Campion
Postdoctoral Fellow
Contact Information
- tcampio1@jhu.edu
- Krieger 405
Research Interests: Category theory, higher category theory, and homotopy theory
Education: PhD, University of Notre Dame

Egbert Rijke
Postdoctoral Fellow
Contact Information
- erijke1@jhu.edu
- Krieger 213
Research Interests: Univalent mathematics and formalization of mathematics
Education: PhD, Carnegie Mellon University

Matthew Sunohara
NSERC Postdoctoral Fellow
Contact Information
- msunoha1@jhu.edu
- Krieger 222
Research Interests: Langlands program, topological graph theory
Education: PhD, University of Toronto

Prairie Wentworth-Nice
Postdoctoral Teaching Fellow
Contact Information
- pwentwo2@jhu.edu
- Krieger 405
Research Interests: Algebraic combinatorics
Education: PhD, Cornell University

Haihan Wu
Simons Collaboration Postdoctoral Fellow
Contact Information
- hwu125@jhu.edu
- Krieger 221
Research Interests: Representation theory, low-dimensional topology, and categorification
Education: PhD, University of California, Davis

Eric Frazier
Sr. Administrative Manager
Contact Information
- efrazie4@jhu.edu
- Krieger 400
- 410-516-8232

Catrish Griffin
Teaching and Training Specialist
Contact Information
- catrish.griffin@jhu.edu
- Krieger 402

Sabrina Raymond
Sr. Academic Program Coordinator
Contact Information
- sraymond@jhu.edu
- Krieger 402
- 410-516-4178

Jordan White
Sr. Administrative Coordinator
Contact Information
- jwhit134@jhu.edu
- Krieger 404
- 410-516-7397
professors emeriti

Jack Morava
Professor Emeritus
Contact Information
Research Interests: Algebraic topology, global analysis
Education: PhD, Rice University

Takashi Ono
Professor Emeritus
Contact Information
Research Interests: Algebra, number theory, algebraic groups
Education: PhD, Nagoya University

Bernard Shiffman
Professor Emeritus and Academy Professor
Contact Information
- bshiffman@jhu.edu
- Krieger 221
Research Interests: several complex variables, complex geometry
Education: PhD, University of California, Berkeley

Joel Spruck
J.J. Sylvester Professor Emeritus
Contact Information
Research Interests: Partial differential equations, geometric analysis
Education: PhD, Stanford University

W. Stephen Wilson
Professor Emeritus
Contact Information
Research Interests: Algebraic topology, homotopy theory
Education: PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology