Physics Fair Links Roundup

Did you see something at the Physics Fair that made you curious? Looking for a follow up explanation about how one of the demonstrations works? Are you a Physics and Astronomy enthusiast who just can’t get enough? This page is for you!

Here we’ve compiled a list of websites suggested by the Physics Fair organizers and participants to sate your need for more science-y goodness. We’ll be adding more content here over time, so check back again!

Astronomy Images and Observing

Education Resources

In-Depth Information by Topic/Location

Atmosphere and Ocean in a Box

Electromagnetic Spectrum

The Radio Telescope on the Roof


IDIES: The Institute for Data Intensive Engineering and Sciences

Galaxy Zoo! – Experience a privileged glimpse of the distant universe as observed by the SDSS, CTIO and VST.

Last But Not Least, Videos and Crazy Demos (Warning: Watch at your own risk!)