How has your experience working with the Chloe Center aided your research?
I’ve had a wonderful experience working with colleagues inside and outside of academia. The Chloe Center, in particular, consistently brings together an amazing group of people who are committed to understanding issues of equity while working together to push the needle on redressing white supremacy in order to build a more just world. Our Racism and Repair in the Modern Academy working group is putting together an amazing body of research on the university and the hospital—really plumbing the depths of some of the structural racism built into the institution itself.
In addition to workshops, opportunities for collaboration on projects beyond the university makes the center an exemplary place to further develop my research. I have learned so much from a range of experts in their respective fields, including archivists, community elders, artists, organizers, and others, and we’re only in our second year.
Lastly, I wanted to say that having the Chloe Center as an institutional home has really given me the support and encouragement to explore the implications of anti-racist methodology within my own scholarship. Or as Nathan Connolly puts it, a “black power method” to critiquing the limitations of liberal methods and white-dominant archival and interpretive practices. This orientation and commitment is part of the larger mission of the Chloe Center and has pushed my thinking and my research in so many ways. I’m excited to be a part of it.