The Blue Jay Battalion want to recognize two outstanding Cadets for their contributions and performance this Fall semester. Cadet Matthew Nguyen and Cadet Jackson Hall went above and beyond to demonstrate excellence, teamwork, and leadership. Well done!
Cadet Matthew Nguyen

Cadet Nguyen served as the Fall 2021 Battalion Cadet Operations Officer (S3). He consistently went above and beyond the requirements of his role to ensure labs, PT, and FTX events ran smoothly. His dedication to the Battalion has resulted in all Cadets receiving effective training in individual Soldier skills and tactical proficiency. Cadet Nguyen will continue to play an important role as the Battalion Logistics Officer (S4) in the Spring semester. Great job!

Cadet Jackson Hall
Cadet Hall serves as the Executive Officer (XO) for the JHU Battalion’s Pershing Rifles Team (PR) and as an integral member of his Squad. He has worked with cadre throughout the semester to improve the PR’s drill proficiency. His dedication to his Squad serves as a stellar example for the rest of the Battalion. During a lab situational training exercise (STX) lanes and field training exercises (FTX), Cadet Hall was consistently relied upon to be a Team Leader and point-main to ensure the success of his Squad. He also found all of his assigned points during day and night land navigation training in the fastest time. Well done!