Army ROTC 

Those who succeed in the Army ROTC program are students who excel and want something more out of their college experience. Generally, these students are scholars who keep their grades up, athletes who are physically and mentally tough, and leaders who have a great desire to learn to lead. 

The Blue Jay Battalion produces leaders of character, presence, and intellect through weekly leadership laboratories, classroom instruction with experienced Army leaders, an extensive physical fitness regimen, immersion in military lifestyle and customs, and hands-on practice performing important Army skills.  

Army ROTC is one of the nation’s top leadership programs, with a wide range of benefits. 

Through Army ROTC you can: 

  • Get 100% of your college tuition paid for up front 
  • Get a monthly $420 tax exempt stipend 
  • Gain experience you can’t find anywhere else 
  • Gain the respect of your peers and future employers 
  • Train to become a leader and manager 

The specific skills you receive in Army ROTC will include areas such as leadership developmentcritical thinkingmilitary skills, and adventure training. This will take place both in the classroom and outdoors, but you will have a normal daily schedule like all college students. 

ROTC classes award college credit, and well-qualified cadets are eligible for full academic scholarships on a competitive basis. No prior military experience is required to enroll, but cadets are united by their desire to serve as officers in the U.S. Army. The path is not easy, but if you have the motivationcommitment, and resilience to lead soldiers, we’ll provide you with everything else you need to get there. 

Nursing Program 

If you’re considering an undergraduate Nursing degree, enrolling in Army ROTC can enhance your leadership skills and critical thinking abilities while providing financial support to help make your professional goals a reality. 

Being a nurse in the Army provides you with benefits not found in the civilian world. As an Army Nurse and Officer, you will have the respect of your peers and coworkers, as well as opportunities to train and serve in a variety of specialties. 

Cadet Kaleb Levery with the quote 'the army has been my dream job since elementary school. I combined that dream with my desire to go to college and landed at ROTC."