Sed posuere augue quam, vitae ultrices dolor tempor eget. Fusce rutrum luctus turpis sit amet varius. Pellentesque cursus leo elit, vel dictum lacus pulvinar aliquam. Integer eu orci dictum, pellentesque lectus ut, placerat risus. Sed scelerisque purus non pharetra dictum. Curabitur mattis felis id dolor vehicula mollis. Sed augue odio, ornare vestibulum justo ac, ornare...
Study at One of the Country's First Biology Departments
The Department of the History of Science and Technology concentrates on science and technology since the Renaissance. It offers programs in collaboration with the Department of the History of Medicine at the School of Medicine.
- Degrees Offered BA, BS, MS, PhD
- Major Biology, Molecular and Cellular Biology
Explore the Department
Undergraduate Program
Undergraduates study the impact of science and medicine from a broad historical and social perspective.
Graduate Program
The graduate program is an internationally recognized center for teaching and research.
Study with faculty whose research areas include history of architecture, science and exploration, environmentalism, and science and religion.