Bloomberg Art from Science Innovation Contest – Accepting Submissions Now

Bloomberg Art from Science Innovation Contest – Accepting Submissions Now

So much concrete. So much science. So little art. So let’s beautify.

We invite submissions of visually striking art works inspired by your scientific work.

Unlike BASIC 1.0, our contest from 2017, we envision a rolling submission of your work, judged semiannually.

A committee comprised of scientists and artists will review submissions according to the following criteria: visual effect, artistic merit, scientific interest, relevance to the department’s diverse research, and also always intrinsic coolness.

All Students (Under and Graduate), Postdocs, Research Scientists, Staff, and Faculty, from all our scientific disciplines, are strongly encouraged to work at the interface of their left and right brain to create meaningful representations of their work accessible to lay people of all ages and backgrounds.

The most successful will be hung in the corridors of Bloomberg (we are working on beautifying the entrance) if not in perpetuity then for a really long time, along with a meaningful description of the embodied scientific import.

To kick thing off we are initially seeking a fresh ingest of art with a due date of 31 January 2020.  The art, description and suggestion for display can be submitted on the Contest page.

Looking forward to great submissions from great students and great researchers!!!