The Center for Advanced Media Studies

CAMS facilitates the historical, cultural, and linguistic analysis of how ideas are communicated in the mass media through events, courses, and graduate fellowships.

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Explore the Center

Earn a Graduate Certificate

The Graduate Certificate Program in Film and Media educates doctoral candidates in the theory, aesthetics, and history of film, video, and other audiovisual media.

Become A Fellow

Fellows, who can come from any discipline in the Krieger School of Arts and Sciences, focus on a media-related aspect of their research and studies during the fellowship.

April 20: Screening of “The Missing Tale”

Join CAMS on April 20th at 5pm in Gilman 50 for a special screening of the documentary The Missing Tale (Emlékek őrei, 2022, Hungary) followed by responses from Lila Fabro (MLL) and Kunal Joshi (Anthropology) and a post-screening Q&A with...