Afro-atlantic Religions: Brazil/u.s. Connections 

PORTUGUESE PROGRAM AND PROGRAM IN LATIN AMERICAN, CARIBBEAN, AND LATINX STUDIES PresentXAVIER VATIN (Professor of Anthropology, Center for Arts, Humanities, and Languages. Federal University of Recôncavo da Bahia) AFRO-ATLANTIC RELIGIONS: BRAZIL/U.S. CONNECTIONS  Wednesday, March 15th - 12:00- 1:15PM  Hodson 305 or - Meeting ID: 999 8467 5782

LAGW Seminar: The Origins of State Authority: Evidence from Chile

Gilman Hall 308

Gilman Hall 308 The Johns Hopkins Latin America in a Globalizing World works in progress seminar welcomes Maximiliano Vejares, Political Science (JHU), to present: The Origins of State Authority: Evidence from Chile This paper examines the conditions under which national states successfully centralize political authority. Contrary to “bellicist” theories where centralization occurs in response to […]

Latin America in the Antebellum Black Press

Gilman Hall 308

Gilman Hall 308 The History Department Seminar is pleased to welcome Professor Yesenia Barragan, History, Rutgers University, to present Latin America in the Antebellum Black Press This paper reveals how Latin America figured prominently in the antebellum African American press. Through an exploration of twenty-four antebellum Black newspapers, it focuses on three core themes circulating […]

Science, Technology, and Development in Argentina: Opportunities and Challenges. Talk by Argentina Minister of Science, Technology, and Innovation

Bloomberg 272 The Program in Latin America, Caribbean, and Latinx Studies, in co-sponsorship with the International Studies Program, is pleased to welcome Daniel Filmus, Minister of Science, Technology, and Innovation from Argentina, to present: Science, Technology, and Development in Argentina: Opportunities and Challenges

LAGW Seminar: Digging the Nation: Archaeology, Anthropology, and History in Twentieth-Century Mexico

Gilman Hall 308

Gilman Hall 308 The Johns Hopkins Latin America in a Globalizing World works in progress seminar welcomes Professor Karin Rosemblatt, History, University of Maryland, to present: Digging the Nation: Archaeology, Anthropology, and History in Twentieth-Century Mexico Professor Rosemblatt will discuss her book project which examines three controversies in mid-twentieth century Mexican anthropology and archaeology to […]

Betwixt and Between: Questions of the Liminal Conference

Gilman Hall

For venues and panels information visit the Full Schedule in this link: Graduate Conference of the Spanish Program, Department of Modern Languages and Literatures, Johns Hopkins University Betwixt and Between: Questions of the Liminal How does the liminal manifest in the Spanish-speaking world? To what does it respond in various contexts, spaces, and artistic […]

LAGW Seminar: Neo-Roman Republicanism at the ‘Genesis’ of a Transatlantic World: Good Government in Felipe Guamán Poma de Ayala through John Milton

Gilman Hall 308 The Johns Hopkins Latin America in a Globalizing World works in progress seminar welcomes Alexis Hernando, Spanish Program, Modern Languages and Literatures, Johsn Hopkins University, to present: Neo-Roman Republicanism at the ‘Genesis’ of a Transatlantic World: Good Government in Felipe Guamán Poma de Ayala through John Milton The following paper discusses the […]

LAGW Seminar: How the Weak Still Win: Middle Class Maneuvers for the Post-Colonial State

Gilman Hall 308

Gilman Hall 308 The Johns Hopkins Latin America in a Globalizing World works in progress seminar welcomes Professor Zophia Edwards, Sociology, JHU, to present: How the Weak Still Win: Middle Class Maneuvers for the Post-Colonial State Scholars seeking to explain post-colonial state-building across the formerly colonized world typically turn to Antonio Gramsci’s concept of the […]

Lecture: Latina/os in Media: Continuities and Ruptures

Mergenthaler Hall 266

Gilman Hall 400 The Program in Latin America, Caribbean, and Latinx Studies is pleased to welcome Professor Angharad Valdivia, Media and Cinema Studies, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, to present: Latina/os in Media: Continuities and Ruptures This presentation focuses on Latinx/e in contemporary mainstream media. Drawing on historically enduring tropes dating back to the post WWII period, […]

Rethinking Political Development in the Americas

Political Science Department Conference, Johns Hopkins University Rethinking Political Development in the Americas Co-sponsored by the Program in Latin American, Caribbean, and Latinx Studies Thursday May 18 11am:TransnationalPerspectives Danielle Clealand, UT-Austin Francisco Gonzalez, JHU Sebastian Mazzuca, JHULisa Miller, RutgersAdam Sheingate, JHU Christy Thornton, JHU 2 pm: Indigenous Politics Tulia Falleti, UPenn Paul Frymer, Princeton Casey […]

Defining Development: A Roundtable Discussion

Gilman Hall 300 3400 N. Charles St, Baltimore, Maryland, United States

A roundtable discussion of the ideas, ideologies, and practices of development as seen from Latin America. Featuring Sophie Brockmann - Oriol Regue Sendros. - Yovanna Pineda - Jairo Campuzano-Hoyos - Diana Montaño - Casey Lurtz - Lise Sedrez - Molly Ball - Stefan Pohl Valero - Christy Thornton - Josh Frens-String - Amy Offner - […]