The Charles Singleton Center offers a variety of fellowships to JHU graduate students on a competitive basis in order to facilitate the pursuit of their research on topics related to premodern Europe.

Graduate Fellowships for Research in Europe

The Singleton Center offers fellowships to facilitate graduate travel for research in Europe on topics relating broadly to Europe from Greco-Roman antiquity to the 18th century. Competition for these fellowships is conducted twice a year: deadlines for proposal submissions are ordinarily in October and in March. Announcements of the opening of each competition is sent out through the mailing list roughly one month before the deadlines.

Eligibility: JHU graduate students; strong preference is given to students who have reached ABD status.

Terms: A maximum of $7,500 granted on a competitive basis to students proposing a worthy plan of research in Europe for Spring 2024.  Students who have previously received a Singleton Graduate Research Fellowship may apply for a second grant provided that the total amount awarded will not exceed $7,500.


Interested students should submit a:

  • 1,200-word statement explaining the project and reasons to go abroad
  • A university transcript
  • Tentative budget
  • Letter from the dissertation advisor
  • Single page cover sheet containing the following information only: applicant’s name, home department, email address, advisor’s name, year of graduate study, date of reaching (or expected to reach) ABD status, title of project plus an abstract not to exceed 150 words, requested funding amount, and expected dates of travel

Applicants are normally expected to obtain some funding from their home departments or other sources in support of their research as well as obtaining Singleton funding. Indication must be provided—in the application and/or in the advisor’s letter—of any current or past departmental funding of the applicant’s research.

Proposals should be specific about what archives, sites, documents, objects, etc. are to be used during the period of the award and how these sources will contribute to the dissertation.

Deadline for 2023 Fellowship applications: noon on Monday, October 16, 2023 (extended to noon on Monday, October 23, 2023). Awards will be announced in November.

Send all application materials to Megan Zeller, Singleton Center administrator, Gilman 301 at [email protected].

Proposals that arrive late or that do not conform to the guidelines presented here will not be reviewed.