Latest Past Events

Arrighi Center General Seminar: Professor David Ownby–Reading the China Dream in the Xi Jinping Era

526 Mergenthaler Hall (JHU Homewood Campus) @ Baltimore Baltimore

Our first Arrighi Center seminar of the 2024 Spring semester will be on Friday, January 26 at 1:30 pm with Professor David Ownby on “Reading the China Dream in the Xi Jinping Era.” Based on ten years of reading, translating, and curating the works of contemporary Chinese intellectuals, Ownby explores how reform and opening changed […]

Arrighi Center General Seminar: Discussion of Giovanni Arrighi’s “The Long Twentieth Century”

526 Mergenthaler Hall (JHU Homewood Campus) @ Baltimore Baltimore

Our seminar on Friday, December 8th will be a discussion of Giovanni Arrighi's Long Twentieth Century: Money, Power and the Origins of our Times, 2nd edition, Verso, 2010. Several Arrighi Center seminar participants have agreed to make 5-10 opening comments in order to kick off the discussion, focusing on what in particular they have found […]

Arrighi Center General Seminar: Dr. Corey Payne

526 Mergenthaler Hall (JHU Homewood Campus) @ Baltimore Baltimore

Dr. Corey Payne (Postdoctoral Fellow at the Arrighi Center and at the JHU University Writing Program) will present his research on "The Making of Endless War: Labor, Globalization and the Transformation of the US Military-Industrial Complex" followed by a Q&A. (There is no advance reading for this seminar.) Note: The discussion of Giovanni Arrighi's Long […]