Donations to the Zanvyl Krieger School of Arts & Sciences are vital to fulfilling the school’s mission of educating our students and creating new knowledge to be shared with the world. The Krieger School of Arts & Sciences plays a vital role within Johns Hopkins University, housing the disciplines of the humanities and natural and social sciences from which all other courses of study stem.

Gifts fund scholarships for bright undergraduates in need, fellowships for our dedicated graduate students, professorships that will help recruit the world’s most preeminent scholars, and a variety of programming and resources needed to maintain Johns Hopkins University’s reputation as a world leader in research and higher education. Donations may be unrestricted or directed toward a specific school or university initiative.

How to Give

  • Online: Through our secure online giving form.
  • By phone: Call toll-free 800-548-5422 or 410-516-8722
  • By mail: Send checks, made payable to Johns Hopkins University:
    Johns Hopkins University
    Zanvyl Krieger School of Arts and Sciences
    Office of External Affairs
    3910 Keswick Road, Keswick North, Second Floor
    Baltimore, MD 21211-2226

Make a Planned Gift

Learn all about life-income gifts, gifts by will, and other planned giving options in the Gift Planning section of the Giving website. Learn more about how you can support the Krieger School of Arts and Sciences by contacting:

Corie Hoffberger
Associate Dean for development, alumni relations, and communications

For more on giving to Johns Hopkins, please visit the university-wide giving website.

Priority Giving Opportunities

  1. Revitalize the undergraduate experience.
  2. Grow the size of our faculty.
  3. Enhance the graduate student experience.
  4. Promote public facing scholarship and community engagement. 

Read more about the Krieger School’s Priorities for the Future.

In addition, you may choose to support The Hopkins Fund. From enhancing the student experience, sustaining and expanding financial aid opportunities, and supporting world-class faculty and research, the collective impact you have with your annual contribution to The Hopkins Fund is essential to the Homewood Schools and undergraduate students of Johns Hopkins University.