The Program in Medicine, Science, and the Humanities and the Center for Medical Humanities and Social Medicine is proud to support undergraduate and graduate research fellows. The fellows conduct independent research in the medical humanities and/or science & technology studies. We’re thrilled to introduce you to our fellows and their exciting work. Click their name to learn more about their research!
Alaa Amr Saad
Class Of 2025
My research explores decolonizing imaginations that extend beyond discourses of repatriation and the return of original artifacts. I focus on the Egyptian artifact replica production’s role in preserving and remaking histories.
C. Carter Barnett
Sanctuaries of Health: The Postwar Construction of Hospital Care in Gaza, 1948-1954 Explain your research in 1-5 sentences My research project focuses on the Church Missionary Society (CMS) Hospital of […]
Elaine Yang
Class Of: 2024
Research location: Robert Packard Center for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Research
This study utilizes an ethnographic approach to analyze the dynamics within multiple laboratories in the Neurology Department at Johns Hopkins in order to render visible the invisible labor that is important to the operation of such unitary laboratories.
Jacob Bruggeman
At Hopkins, these interests in hacking and hacker politics coalesce around what is often referred to as “hacktivism.” While this concept is used in contemporary mass and popular media, this concept has slightly deeper roots. makes the rounds in the news today, it has precedents in earlier periods.
Jacqueline Rosenkranz
Hirsutism and Navigating the Gender Binary in Clémentine Delait’s Les memories de la femme à barbe Explain your research project My research project is motivated by the fact that hirsutism […]
Leigh Alon
Genetic information has long played a central role in Jewish identity and has been one way for Jews and non-Jews alike to define Jewish peoplehood. An examination of how this massive repository of Jewish genetic data is being mobilized and understood is therefore vital to understanding the construction of Jewish...
Luccia Yacoub
Class Of 2026
As a public health major myself I became intrigued by the flawed healthcare system that made my aunt move across the world for treatment. In the summer of 2023 I traveled to Egypt, through the help of the MSH Research Fellows grant, to study the state of its healthcare system.
Mingyuan Song
Chemical Shackles: psychotropic abuse in carceral states Explain your research project My research project focuses on the trends of psychotropic abuse in jails and prisonsin the United States since the […]
Noah Trudeau
Class Of 2024
At the core of this research, I explore how the French configured tropical medicine as an epistemological colonization of the body and construed their ‘civilizing mission’ as a scientific expedition.
Richard Adjei
When the Physician Meets Indigenous Healers: Oku Ampofo, Herbalists, and theMaking of Traditional Medicine Scientific in Postcolonial Ghana. Describe your research in 1-5 sentences. This project explores the history of […]
Sam Suh
Class Of 2024
My overall vision for this project is to track the evolution of holism within the path of medicine, with part one focusing on the requirements for medical school, part two focusing on the changes in the medical school courses required for medical students, and part three being changes made to...
Sarah Roth
Care Choreographies and the Making of the Psychosocial in Genetic Counseling Explain your research project Since the dawn of the Human Genome Project, genetic counselors have occupied a privilegedspace at […]
Sophie D’Anieri
Pronouncing Death: Language and Affliction in an Industrialized Mexico Explain your research project Against the backdrop of spectacularized drug violence, this project considers how slower forms of violence—environmental toxicity, poverty, […]