The application is currently closed. For more information, contact your department administrator, or email Brittany Kane,

The Dean’s Teaching Fellowship Program of the Office of the Dean of Arts and Sciences is designed to foster innovation in the undergraduate curriculum, give advanced graduate students experience teaching their own undergraduate courses, and provide funding for graduate research. This prestigious fellowship allows graduate students to grow as educators and scholars by allowing them to propose, design, and offer an undergraduate seminar course.

Application Information

Applicants must:

  • Be graduate students in the Krieger School of Arts and Sciences
  • Be in residence for the academic year during which they teach
  • Have achieved ABD (all but dissertation) status before teaching

Please note: fellowships may not be deferred, and former Dean’s Teaching Fellows are ineligible. Fellows will teach a one-semester course and receive a stipend equivalent to the KSAS set fellowship amount for that semester. 

How to Apply

The complete application includes:

1. Letter of application (addressed to the Dean’s Teaching Fellowship Committee).
2. Curriculum vitae.
3. Course proposal, including required text costs, etc. (A draft syllabus is encouraged).
5. Budget proposal for excursions or labs, if applicable. (Please include funding source).
7. Transcript (unofficial is accepted).
8. Letter of recommendation from a faculty mentor.
9. Letter of endorsement from the Department Chair.
10. Letter of support from the Center for Digital Humanities or 
11. Center for Social Concern (where appropriate)

The application is currently closed.