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Join us for a talkback with Director Annalisa Dias and the cast of Passage. Immediately after the Sunday matinee, November 10. Sponsored by the Chloe Center for the Critical Study of Racism, Immigration and Colonialism. All are invited. For more information on Passage and tickets, go to our See A Show page.

New Theatre Minor

JHU Theatre has redesigned its minor requirements. We now have more room for electives, and one fewer class to complete the minor. Come explore and develop your skills with our faculty of professional theatre-makers. For details, see our Undergraduate Page.

Lin Miranda Fellow

Congratulations to Paloma Lucero Hancock, who has been named a Lin Miranda Fellow at the National Theater Institute. Paloma will be at NTI this summer, doing advanced acting study. She was last seen playing Cardinal Bellarmin in the spring production of Galileo. Paloma is also the recipient of a JHU Theatre Summer Grant.