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The Art of a Second Chance

A new exhibition of oil paintings and photographs made by Johns Hopkins students highlights the objects and associates of Second Chance, a second-hand furniture warehouse in Baltimore.

JHU Center for Visual Arts Student Exhibition at Second Chance Baltimore!

Students in Professor Murphy’s Painting II & III and Professor Caro’s Documentary Photography courses collaborated with Second Chance Inc. of Baltimore to create works inspired by the warehouse space and its associates. An exhibition of their work is on view at Second Chance from January 8 through February 2, 2025. Read more about this exhibition...

D.C. Student Engagement Field Trip

The Center for Visual Arts hosting a Student Engagement Art Field trip to Washington D.C. on November 9th, 2024. Students visited the new Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg Center at 555 Pennsylvania Ave where curator Caitlin Berry gave them a tour of the Irene & Richard Frary Gallery. Following the tour, students were treated to a...