News & Announcements Archive

Conversations With Artists: Ernest Shaw

Conversations With Artists: Ernest Shaw

The Center for Visual Arts invites you to Conversations With Artists: Ernest Shaw – October 2nd, 2023. Saul Zaentz Screening Room, JHU MICA / CVA Film Centre, 2nd fl. 10 E. North Ave. Baltimore, MD 21202. For more information contact

Annual Student Exhibition

Annual Student Exhibition

The Center for Visual Arts invites you to our Annual Student Exhibition: May 5th – 12th 2023. Center for Visual ArtsJHU MICA / CVA Film Centre, 3rd fl. 10 E. North Ave. Baltimore, MD 21202. For more information contact

Digital Vistas

Digital Vistas

Student exhibition at the DMC Featuring photographic works by Benjamine Dubner, Ritvik Gunturu, Mansha Kapur, Biz Stahl, June Wang, Qinyuan Wu, and Rex Xiao. Curated by Professor John Steck Jr. and Mansha Kapur On view now at Digital Media Services (the DMC) 3003 N Charles St, Baltimore, MD 21218

Conversations with Artists lecture series funded by the MSAC

Conversations with Artists lecture series funded by the MSAC

The Center for Visual Arts is pleased to invite you to Conversations with Artists lecture & reception series highlighting the work of Maryland based artists in its Station North studio location. April 7th, 5:30 – 7:30 pm. Nakeya Brown Brown will present a selection of photographs and discuss the themes, inspirations, and processes used in […]

Faculty Exhibition, Sept. 20 to Jan. 6

Faculty Exhibition, Sept. 20 to Jan. 6

The exhibition Faculty and Friends of the Center for Visual Arts will be open Sept. 20 – Jan. 06, 2023. The event is i nHodson Hall, on the third floor lobby. This exhibition will include works from Lauren Frances Adams, Sasha Baskin, Nakeya Brown, Barbara Gruber, Tae Hwang, Margaret Murphy, Htet San, Gretchen Schermerhorn, Vlad […]

A Conversation with Visiting Artist Beatrice Glow at the BMA

A Conversation with Visiting Artist Beatrice Glow at the BMA

The Center for Visual Arts is pleased to invite you to a walkthrough and conversation with Beatrice Glow, of her exhibition “Beatrice Glow: Once the Smoke Clears.” Register in advance. The event will be held on September 15, 2022, from 4 to 6 p.m. at the Baltimore Museum of Art. The Group will meet at […]

The Center for Visual Arts invites you to a conversation with Devin Allen

Join Director Margaret Murphy in conversation with Baltimore based photographer, artist and activist Devin Allen April 21, 2022 | 5:30pm – 6:30pm Saul Zaentz Screening Room | JHU-MICA Film Centre, 2nd Fl. JHU-MICA Film Centre: 10 E. North Avenue | for more information: mmurp102@

Artist Talk

Artist Talk

Margaret Murphy, the Director of the CVA will speak about her art practice on Tuesday, February 22nd, 5:30 – 6:30pm Date: February 22nd, 5:30pm – 6:30pm Location: Saul Zaentz Screening Room, JHU-MICA Film Centre, 2nd Fl. Talk will be followed by Q & A with the artist. JHU-MICA Film Centre: 10 E. North Avenue | […]

Moving the Center

1st Annual Faculty Exhibition Exhibition is on view from August 30 – October 2nd, M – F, 1:00pm – 5:00pm and by appointment: 10 E. North Avenue, 3rd fl Reception will be held September 17th from 5:30pm – 7:30pm

Shuttle Service to CVA

New shuttle service from MSE Library to CVA and Film Center – direct shuttle service Monday through Friday. Please see the link: