The Program in Latin American, Caribbean, and Latinx Studies presents its Sponsored and Co-Sponsored Events scheduled for the Spring of 2023. We look forward to seeing you in person or virtually in the coming weeks!
Julieta Casas, Political Science, JHU
Civil Service Reform: A Comparative and Historical Study on the Politics of Partisan Public Employment
Jan 26, 2-4 pm, Gilman 308 & Zoom
Jessica Marie Johnson, History, JHU
Catherine’s Value: Freedom, Excess, and Slavery on the Spanish Littoral
Feb 2, 2-4 pm, Gilman 308 & Zoom
Consuelo Amat, Political Science, JHU
The Power of Protectors: Accounting for High-Risk Mobilization in Pinochet’s Chile
Feb 9, 2-4 pm, Gilman 308 & Zoom
Gema Kloppe-Santamaria, History, George Washington University
Contentious Secularism: The Politics of Religious Violence in 20th-Century Mexico
Feb 16, 2-4 pm, Gilman 308 & Zoom
Ada Ferrer, History, NYU
Writing Between Personal and International History: Cuba: An American History
History Department Stulman Lecture: Feb 23, 4:30 pm, Gilman 50
Lucas Azambuja, Sociology, JHU
Progressivism, Reaction, and the Politics of Local Capital in Neoliberal Brazil, 1996-2016
March 2, 2-4 pm, Gilman 308 & Zoom
Alexa Rodríguez, Education, University of Virginia
Crafting Dominicanidad: Citizenship and Education During the US Occupation of the Dominican Republic, 1916-1924
March 9, 2-4 pm, Gilman 308 & Zoom
Roberto Saba, History, Wesleyan University
American Mirror: The United States and Brazil in the Age of Emancipation
March 10, 12:30-2 pm, Gilman 308
Maximiliano Vejares, Political Science, JHU
The Origins of State Authority: Evidence from Chile
March 16, 2-4 pm, Gilman 308 & Zoom
Yesenia Barragan, History, Rutgers University
Latin America in the Antebellum Black Press
History Department Seminar: March 27, 4 pm, Gilman 308
Karin Rosemblatt, History, University of Maryland
Anthropology at the Crossroads of the (Inter-)National: Truth, Science, and Historical Narrative
April 6, 2-4 pm, Gilman 308 & Zoom
En el umbral: cuestiones sobre lo liminal
JHU Spanish Graduate Students Conference
April 7-8
Alexis Hernando, Spanish, Modern Languages and Literatures, JHU
Neo-Roman Republicanism at the ‘Genesis’ of a Transatlantic World: Good Government in Felipe Guamán Poma de Ayala through John Milton
April 13, 2-4 pm, Gilman 308 & Zoom
Zophia Edwards, Sociology, JHU
COVID, the Caribbean, and the Global Color Line
April 20, 2-4 pm, Gilman 308 & Zoom
Angharad Valdivia, Media and Cinema Studies, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Latina/os in Media: Continuities and Ruptures
Apr 24, 12-1:15 pm, Mergenthaler 266
United States and Latin America in Comparative Perspective, Political Science Conference
May 18-19