Bodian Seminar: Mathew Diamond

Mathew E. Diamond, Ph.D.Professor of Cognitive NeuroscienceScuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi AvanzatiTrieste, Italy TBD Faculty Hosts: Kishore Kuchibhotla and Dan O’Connor

Bodian Seminar: Jennifer Trueblood

Jennifer Trueblood, Ph.D.Associate Professor of PsychologyVanderbilt University TBD Faculty host: Ernst Niebur

Special Seminar: Sabine Kastner

Sabine Kastner, M.D., Ph.D.  Professor of Psychology & NeurosciencePrinceton Neuroscience InstitutePrinceton University Neural dynamics of the primate attention network  The selection of information from our cluttered sensory environments is one of the most fundamental cognitive operations performed by the primate brain. In the visual domain, the selection process is thought to be mediated by a static […]

Bodian Seminar: Dingchang Lin

Dingchan Lin, Ph.D.Assistant Professor, Materials Science & EngineeringJohns Hopkins University TBD Faculty host: Kristina Nielsen

Bodian Seminar: Glenn Turner

Glenn Turner, Ph.D.Group Leader, HHMI Janelia Research Campus TBD Faculty Host: Ernst Niebur

Bodian Seminar: Nuo Li

Nuo Li, PhDAssistant Professor of NeuroscienceBaylor College of Medicine TBD Faculty host: Chris Fetsch