News & Announcements Archive

Museums and Society “On the Record” with Sheilah Kast

On May 18, senior Gillian Waldo and Lecturer Beth Maloney, Director of Interpretation at the Baltimore Museum of Industry, talked to Sheilah Kast about the M&S “practicum with a capital P”.  Students created the Why We Work exhibit at the BMI.

Why We Work opens at the Baltimore Museum of Industry

Why We Work opens at the Baltimore Museum of Industry

 A new interactive exhibit curated by students in M&S Fall 2017 class Museum Lab and designed with the help of students from MICA opens at the BMI. Funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.

Student’s article about Black Panther goes viral

Junior and M&S minor Casey Haughin’s article about Black Panther’s implications for museums in the Hopkins Exhibitionist had 80,000 views within a week of posting and many many comments (over 20,000 on Tumblr alone). Its been picked up by The Baltimore Sun and ArtNet News and mentioned in a Huffington Post article. Have something to say about museums? Wrote […]