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Jennifer Kingsley

Associate Teaching Professor and Director, Museums and Society

Contact Information

Research Interests: Medieval art; history of collecting and display; art museums; inclusive museums; history of the senses; digital knowledgescapes

Education: PhD, Johns Hopkins University (History of Art)

Gabrielle O. Dean

William Kurrelmeyer Curator of Rare Books and Manuscripts, Sheridan Libraries

Contact Information

Research Interests: archives, rare books and manuscripts, digital humanities, nineteenth century textual and visual culture,

Education: PhD, University of Washington (English and Textual Studies)

Lori Beth Finkelstein

Lecturer and Philip Franklin Wagley Director and Curator of Evergreen Museum & Library

Contact Information

Research Interests: American history, museum education and interpretation, historic sites and monuments

Education: PhD, New York University (U.S. History)

Robert Forloney

Maryland Humanities' Program Officer, Partnerships | Lecturer for Museums and Society

Contact Information

Research Interests: museum education and interpretation, leadership and strategic planning; cultural anthropology, historic archaeology.

Education: MA in Humanities and Social Thought | Bank Street New York State Education Certification K-12

Earle Havens

Director of the Virginia Fox Stern Center for the History of the Book in the Renaissance and the Nancy H. Hall Curator of Rare Books & Manuscripts, Sheridan Libraries

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Research Interests: early modern books, special collections, Italian Renaissance

Education: PhD, Yale University (History and Renaissance Studies)

Jennifer Jarvis

Paper Conservator, Sheridan Libraries

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Research Interests: History of bookbinding structures; history of book conservation, especially amateur/folk mends; community-based conservation of cultural heritage

Education: MA in Conservation Studies, West Dean College

Emily McGinn

Digital Humanities Librarian, Sheridan Libraries

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Education: PhD, University of Oregon

Kristine Roome

Lecturer for Museums and Society

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Education: PhD, Columbia University


Rachel LaBozetta (she/her)

Academic Program Coordinator

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Sanchita Balachandran

Director, Smithsonian Museum Conservation Institute

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Research Interests: ancient art, conservation, ethics of archaeology

Education: M.A. (Art History) with Advanced Certificate in Art Conservation, Institute of Fine Arts, New York University

Jacqueline M. O’Regan

Curator of Cultural Properties, Sheridan Libraries

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Lara Yeager-Crasselt (she/her)

Curator and Department Head, European Painting and Sculpture, Baltimore Museum of Art | Adjunct Professor

Contact Information

Research Interests: Curation/early modern European art

Education: PhD, University of Maryland

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