
Applications are due the Friday before spring break. (A reminder to grad students: please see your
adviser before applying.) Please include in your application:

  • Cover letter describing your background as a teacher and writer
    o For postdocs only: If you like, you may include in your letter where your interests lie
    with respect to the service requirement for postdocs (see position descriptions for more
    details.) This information is optional for your application; the specifics of all postdocs’
    service responsibilities will be decided in consultation with the Program Director and the
    TF Coordinator, at the beginning of the fall semester.
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Proposal for a Reintroduction to Writing course
  • Writing sample (no more than 5–7 pages; excerpts are fine)

Please send your application to [email protected].

Helpful tips for your application

  • Please review the TF Position Descriptions document before applying.
  • Remember, you are applying for a teaching fellowship. You should therefore foreground your
    teaching rather than research in your application. If you have taken part in a CTEI workshop,
    highlight that! Do you have other teaching training or pedagogy workshops in your background?
    Let us know!
  • Your course proposal should be for a Reintroduction to Writing course. Please see examples of
    course descriptions and the general description and learning outcomes of this course.

Hiring Process

While there may be small adjustments to the timeline from year to year, applicants can expect the following to happen on (or around) these dates:

  • March 15 (or the Friday before spring break): Applications for new fellows are due.
  • March 28: Returning applicants should write to UWP leadership (Director, Associate Director,
    and TF Coordinator) by this date.
  • Early April: Selected applicants will be invited to interview.
    • Note: It sometimes happens that more fellowships become available at a later date. Therefore, if you have applied and not head back from us by early April, there is a chance that you will be called in for a second round of interviews.
  • Late April: Initial hiring decisions are announced.
    • Note: For the same reasons given in the previous note, it is sometimes the case that a second round of offers will be made after this date.
  • May 1: New teaching fellows accept offers.
  • July 1: Postdoc salary and benefits take effect.
  • August: Fall semester starts. A short orientation will be held during the week before classes
    start. All new teaching fellows are expected to participate.
  • June 30: postdoc salary and benefits for the fellowship year end.

Questions? Your first point of contact is the TF Coordinator, Sandy Koullas: [email protected]