Marie Theresa O’Connor

Marie Theresa O’Connor

Associate Teaching Professor

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Marie Theresa O’Connor earned both her PhD in English Literature and her JD from the University of Chicago. Her work in the past has focused on Shakespeare and early modern legal, philosophical, and political thought, and she has published in Early Modern Literary Studies and Medieval and Renaissance Drama in England. Currently, her research and teaching focus on issues around nonhumans, including AI, corporations, and nonhuman animals. She has two current research projects. 

One of her projects is on black-box AI, the problem of other minds, and ordinary language philosophy. This project is interested in questions such as: How should we interpret denials of consent by AI (especially Large Language Models)? On what grounds, if any, should we interpret such denials differently than we would ordinarily interpret them?  

Her other project is on corporate personhood, limited liability, and narratives of the public good.  It explores the roughly two decades of debates preceding the English Parliament’s passage of general limited liability legislation in 1855-56. This project focuses on how the public good exception to unlimited liability emerged as an alternative to a form of limited liability called en commandite, which maintains liability for a company’s decision-makers. The project asks what assumptions may persist in modern corporate forms through the public good exception and explores how these assumptions may inform the powerful fiction of corporate personhood.