Nate Brown
Senior Lecturer + Associate Director (Writing Center)
Contact Information
- nbrown68@jhu.edu
- Greenhouse Annex
Nate Brown joined the University Writing Program in 2022, after having taught fiction and creative nonfiction for five years in the Writing Seminars at Johns Hopkins. He is a graduate of Cornell University and of the MFA program at the University of Wisconsin, and he has taught composition and creative writing courses at the International Writing Program at the University of Iowa, Stevenson University, Georgetown University, and the George Washington University.
Since graduating from college, he has worked in literary publishing, first at Random House and currently at the award-winning literary journal American Short Fiction, where he serves as the managing editor. He is a board member of Writers in Baltimore Schools, an arts nonprofit serving Baltimore City middle and high school student writers.
His current teaching and research interests include equity and access in contemporary American publishing, visual studies and the intersection of written and visual rhetoric, community-based writing programs, and writing about art and media.
Reintroduction to Writing: Seeing and Believing