Quinn Lester

Quinn Lester (he/him)

Postdoctoral Teaching Fellow

Contact Information

My name is Quinn Lester, and I am currently a Postdoctoral Teaching Fellow in the University Writing Program at Johns Hopkins University. I received a Ph.D. in Political Science in August 2022 from Johns Hopkins University, where I studied Political Theory and American Politics. Since then I have also taught courses in Political Theory, Racial and Ethnic Politics, and Criminal Justice at Washington & Lee University and George Washington University as Visiting Assistant Professor. My research specializes in democratic theory and political violence. I am particularly interested in how historical and contemporary African American social movement critiques of policing reveal the constitutive role of political violence in defining what forms of American democracy matter and for whom, particularly under the framework of abolition democracy. My solo-authored, peer-reviewed writing has been published at Constellations, Politics, Groups, and Identities, New Political Science, Social Science Quarterly, and Catalyst.