The Model Library showcases courses at Johns Hopkins that thoughtfully incorporate writing in a disciplinary context. For each course, you will find an overview of how it features writing, along with associated teaching materials such as assignments, syllabi, and rubrics. We have also included additional teaching materials that may be applicable across a range of subject areas. We hope that you find inspiration and opportunities to adapt these materials to your own teaching contexts.

 Thank you to all the instructors who generously agreed to share content. If you have teaching materials that could be featured here, please reach out to

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Teaching Writing With AI

Teaching Writing With AI

Sample assignments and policies from musicology.

Your Course Here

Your Course Here

Work with us: we would love to feature your successful assignments, course designs, lesson plans, or other teaching materials.

Sample Grading Contract

Sample Grading Contract

This alternate grading scheme aims to shift the focus of assessment to feedback.

Math 405

Math 405

View a blueprint for converting Analysis 1 into a writing-intensive course.

Responding Critically to Readings

Responding Critically to Readings

Slides and activities to up the level of online and in-person discussions.

Learning to Write in My Discipline

Learning to Write in My Discipline

Exercises to help students understand how members of their discipline communicate their work across different contexts.

Biophysics 252

Biophysics 252

Protein Engineering and Biophysics Laboratory asks students to investigate a hypothesis and describe their process of inquiry in writing and an oral presentation.

History 115

History 115

In Modern Latin American History, students create visually rich, interactive websites to share their research with StoryMaps. 

Mathematics 106 and 107

Mathematics 106 and 107

In Calculus I and II (Biology and Social Sciences), students submit portfolios demonstrating their application of mathematical concepts to real-world scenarios.