Explore the Program

undergrad taking water samples from the Baltimore Harbor


Pursue environmental science or environmental studies, paired with applied experience and a senior capstone.

Professor Katalin Szlavecz with undergraduate student collecting soil samples


Our faculty have expertise in ecology, policy, geology, anthropology, climate modeling and more.

students doing field work at Middleton Overlook

Beyond the Classroom

Students can take advantage of opportunities such as research, internships, and study abroad to enrich their education and set them up for success after graduation.

News & Announcements

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Regional GeoEcology Field Trip

There is nothing like the Southland in the springtime, with its forest ephemerals coming alive and its waters flowing with confidence and reason across a landscape tempered by ancient bedrock. And so it was that a group of graduate and undergraduate students fled the urban lifestyle to camp and explore the natural history of the […]

Book Published by ENVS Faculty

ENVS faculty, Dr. Jana Kopelent Rehak recently published an ethnographic account of life on Smith Island. This fascinating ethnographic account of Smith Island residents examines the challenges faced by an aging community that is grappling with flooding, land erosion, and population loss. By combining socioecology, life course theory, and eco-phenomenology, Kopelent Rehak offers a comprehensive […]

Film Screening and Discussion – The Oil Machine

On 24 October at 7:30 pm in Olin Hall, the ENVS program would like to welcome you all to a pre-release screening of the documentary “The Oil Machine.” After the documentary the Production Team will be on hand for a question and answer session. This screening is open to the public and please register first. Refreshments […]