Paper Presentation: “Removing Houses and Relocating Graves: the Death-Scape in a Chinese Urban Village” – Yushuang Zheng (History)

Gilman 300

The paper is extracted from Yushuang’s thesis for the degree of M.Phil. in anthropology from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. It presents a later version of the grave-relative relationships that she wrote for her first-year paper at Hopkins. Her FYP mainly dealt with practices related to grave-tending and the interpersonal interactions around these practices […]

Paper Presentation: “Surgical Miracle: South Korea as a Developmentalist State” – Ga Eun Cho (Political Science) 

Gilman 300

In “Surgical Miracle: South Korea as a Developmentalist State,” Ga Eun Cho will discuss post-Korean War South Korea’s emergence as a developmentalist state. The South Korean military junta used economic development as a justification for its coup d’état and the postponed transition to democracy. As such, the state defined those unconforming to the goal as […]

Paper presentation: “Neoliberal Technocracy in 1980s’ Japan” – Yize Hu (History of Science and Technology) 

Gilman 300

Yize Hu will be presenting “Neoliberal Technocracy in 1980s’ Japan'' in which he will discuss how conservative intellectuals and systems engineers used the systems approach as the epistemological tool to envision a neo-liberal society in Japan and created a new technocracy in the 1980s. Different from the old technocracy characterized by a strong belief in […]

The Experimental Complex: Agricultural Practices of a Chinese Special Economic Zone in Uzbekistan – Yida Jiao

Gilman 308

Papers will be circulated one week in advance, if you would like to attend but have not received the paper,please email one of the organizers. Feel free to contact us: [email protected] (Yushuang Zheng, History),[email protected] (Wesley Sampias, History), or [email protected] (Minah Kang, Political Science)**Every other week when there is no presentation, we will have an informal […]

Teaching Workshop

Gilman 308

This workshop will be conducted by Allon Brann, Teacher Support Specialist (Graduate Students) in the Milton S. Eisenhower Library Center for Teaching Excellence and Innovation.

The Technological Foundation of Neoliberalism in Japan – Yize Hu

Gilman 308

Papers will be circulated one week in advance, if you would like to attend but have not received the paper,please email one of the organizers. Feel free to contact us: [email protected] (Yushuang Zheng, History),[email protected] (Wesley Sampias, History), or [email protected] (Minah Kang, Political Science)**Every other week when there is no presentation, we will have an informal […]