Kyoungjin Bae Assistant Professor of Chinese History, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Mergenthaler 266

To the Sea, To the Mountain: Cantonese Woodwork in the Indian Ocean during the Nineteenth Century This talk examines the mobility of Cantonese woodwork, a vibrant regional craft in the Pearl River Delta, and its impact on artisanal practices through a case study of woodworkers' movement to the Indian Ocean during the nineteenth century. co-sponsored […]


Anthroplogy Seminar Room

East Asian Studies is co-sponsoring:  JHU Anthro Colloquium Series Unrepayable Debt:Post-imperial Redress, Repair and Reconciliation in East Asia

East Asian Studies Seminar – Sojung Kim

Gilman Hall 208

Graduate student Sojung Kim will present on “A Seed in an Empty Plain: Women's Voices and Norms of Kinship” for the Fall 2024 EAS Seminar Series. The EAS Seminar is an interdisciplinary workshop for graduate students and faculty to present a pre-circulated work-in-progress. Organized by graduate students, the seminar also hosts methodology workshops, career-building workshops, and undergraduate […]

Garrett Washington, Associate Professor of History, University of Massachusetts Amherst

Mergenthaler 266

Hirooka Asako, Uruno Coal Mine's Transformation, and Finding Businesswomen in Meiji Japan. Amidst changes redefining and subjugating womanhood in the Meiji period (1868-1912), industrialist Hirooka Asako (1849-1919) rescued her marital family’s failing coal mine in Uruno. This story highlights her determination, knowledge but also her collaboration with male relatives and associates, and direct management, illuminating […]

East Asian Studies Seminar – Article Publication Workshop

Gilman Hall 208

The EAS Seminar is pleased to announce an Article Publication Workshop, featuring Professor Tobie Meyer-Fong, Professor in the History Department. This workshop is designed to introduce participants to the often challenging process of getting an article published in academic journals. It will provide participants with a comprehensive overview of the publication journey—from drafting a manuscript […]

Suyoung Son, Associate Professor in Department of Asian Studies, Cornell University

Mergenthaler 266

Cooking Recipes and the Ways of Transmitting Knowledge How can the written recipes convey the embodied practice of cooking? While cooking traditionally relies on direct transformation and oral explication, what circumstances lead to the translation of this mute skill into written form? This talk examines two 17-century cooking recipes from Chosŏn Korea (1392–1897), exploring how […]

East Asia Studies Student Advisory Council

Mergenthaler 426

On November 7 join EAS SAC from 4:30PM to 6:00pm in Mergenthaler 426 for pizza and ask all the questions you can think about the East Asia Studies Program, its activities, courses, research and travel opportunities!

Crystal Baik, Associate Professor, Gender & Sexuality Studies

Mergenthaler 266

University of California, Riverside Before the Fire Dogs Steal the Sun: An Elegy In this talk, Professor Crystal Mun-hye Baik offers a glimpse into her second book project, Before the Fire Dogs Steal the Sun: An Elegy. An intimate cultural history of war, illness, and estrangement framed through her family history, Before the Fire Dogs […]

East Asian Studies Seminar – Minah Kang

Gilman Hall 208

Title: When 'Over There' Becomes Here: Construction of Asia/Pacific amid Afterlives of Imperial World The EAS Seminar is an interdisciplinary workshop for graduate students and faculty to present a pre-circulated work-in-progress. Organized by graduate students, the seminar also hosts methodology workshops, career-building workshops, and undergraduate senior theses presentations. The EAS seminar is free to attend […]

Thomas Pepinsky Walter F. LaFeber Professor

Mergenthaler 266

Department of Government and Brooks School of Public Policy, Cornell University Ethnic Orders: Social Categories and the Politics of Identity in the Malay World Ethnicity is central to politics throughout the Malay world, but the meaning and significance of ethnicity—and of social categories like “Malay”—is contested, dynamic, and multifaceted. This talk is an overview of […]

EAS Graduate Seminar-Yemok Jeon

Gilman Hall 208

Patient or Martyr of Imperialism: Uncertainty of Disease and "Germ Warfare" During the Korean War-Yemok Jeon The EAS Seminar is an interdisciplinary workshop for graduate students and faculty to present a pre-circulated work-in-progress. Organized by graduate students, the seminar also hosts methodology workshops, career-building workshops, and undergraduate senior theses presentations. The EAS seminar is free […]

East Asian Studies Seminar – Yushuang Zheng & Fan Mang

Gilman Hall 208

Graduate students Yushuang Zheng and Fan Mang will present their research as part of the Fall 2024 EAS Seminar Series. Yushuang Zheng's presentation is titled “Producing Silk in Mukden: Sericulture and Frontier Management of Qing Rule, 1740-1861,” and Fan Mang will present on “The World of Books in a Changing Beijing, 1860s-1930s.” The EAS Seminar […]