This page includes information about the requirements students need to fulfill to get credit for their research, how to register for said research credit, and the scientific communication and mentoring requirements for students.

Requirements to Receive Credit for Research

  • Work for the designated amount of time in the lab.  Students must consult with their PI regarding the number of lab hours prior to registration.
    • Credit hours: 1 credits = 40 hours, 2 credits = 80 hours, 3 credits = 120 hours
  • Write a journal-article-format research paper (2-4 pages but can vary) about your lab work. (Guidelines for writing the paper can be found here: Research Paper Guidelines)
    Note: Your lab supervisor will need to review and approve your paper. The paper and approval confirmation are due on the last day of classes. Details about how to submit your paper and approval confirmation will be emailed to all students registered for research during the semester.
  • Fill out an online research survey at the end of the semester. All students are required to complete an online research survey. You will receive an email directing you to the survey during the last week of classes. If you do not receive the email, contact Kelly Thammavong.

Registering for Research Credit

Once you have found a lab:

  • Fill out the Customized Academic Learning (CAL) form online, through SIS. The request will be reviewed by the administrative office.
  • Students have an option to register for 1-3 credits, but this should be based on a conversation between the student and the PI. Sign up for the number of credits that you think you will be able to earn. Remember, you may not go over 18.5 total credits per semester. Going above the credit limit warrants the approval of Academic Advising.
  • Most full-time Homewood faculty will have a section number. If the lab supervisor/PI is not a full-time faculty member on the Homewood campus, students must register under Dr. Jason Trageser (section 01) as their full-time Homewood faculty sponsor.
  • Note that students cannot retroactively obtain research credit. If you do not register for research prior to the add deadline you will not be able to obtain credit. If you are not registered and continue to do research, these hours cannot count toward credits in future semesters.
  • Students cannot register for more than 6 credits of Independent Academic Work in a school year. The year begins in the summer. (See details here: KSAS Undergraduate Advising)
  • Students approved for research will receive an email reminder summarizing the requirements and deadlines (See details here: Research Credit Requirements
  • Note that some (not all) sections of research will have a Canvas course associated with it. You will be notified if you have been added to the Canvas course

Scientific Communication and Mentoring Requirements

Scientific communication is crucial to encouraging engagement with the public and advancing science. This course is divided into two components, scientific communication and mentoring. The scientific communications part of the course focuses on oral communication and consists of an orientation session held at the beginning of the semester and an exit session held at the end of the semester. Students will learn the skills necessary to communicate complex scientific concepts to a broad non-science audience. At the end of the semester students will be expected to present a 2-3 minute oral summary of their research project. The mentoring part of the course will consist of group discussions about topics related to career planning and life design.

All neuroscience students need to complete two semesters of AS.080.499 Scientific Communication and Mentoring (formerly AS.080.500). Students are strongly encouraged to only take Scientific Communication and Mentoring when they are either actively involved in research or have completed at least three credits of research.

Important Information:

  • This is a one credit course and students will receive a letter grade.
  • This course will meet four times throughout the semester.
  • Attendance contributes significantly to the final grade. Therefore, when registering for the course make sure you have no other course conflicts. In SIS, carefully check the SPECIAL NOTE section in each of the course sections to find one that does not conflict with any other obligations. Students cannot switch to other sections that are full if a conflict arises.

Registered students will be added to a Canvas course where they will find additional information.