four students looking at laptop, one student talking and other three listening

Collaboration and Community

The University Writing Program (UWP) Writing Center serves all graduate and undergraduate students and alumni in the Krieger School of Arts and Sciences and the Whiting School of Engineering. We offer individual conferences with trained peer tutors on any type of writing. The center is located in Gilman Hall 230.

The UWP Writing Center has also partnered with the Bloomberg School of Public Health and the School of Education to offer peer tutoring for graduate students through their schools.

Schedule An Appointment

Our one-on-one sessions with writers begin on the hour, and last 45 minutes. Please login and select the schedule for your school.

University Writing Program

The UWP brings a new approach to the teaching and learning of writing at Johns Hopkins.

News & Announcements

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What is Love?

Thursday, Feb. 13th, 2 – 4 pm JHU Writing Center | Gilman Hall 230 In partnership with Writers’ Warehouse, JHU’s Common Question & the Writing Center invite you to join us for an afternoon of good food, good fun, and an...

Homewood Writing Center supports faculty, too!

The Writing Center (Gilman 230) now supports the writing of all faculty in KSAS and Whiting.  We can assist with any writing you are doing, including scholarly work or assignment sheets/syllabi for your classes.  Schedule today!  For more information, contact...

Spring Reception: Friday, January 24 1-3pm

Join us in the Writing Center (Gilman 230) for cake, snacks, and fun! Find out how the Writing Center can help you will all your writing projects. Friday, January 24 1-3pm. Drop by for a few minutes!