Upholding a 20-year tradition, FMS students again provided script coverage for the annual Baltimore Screenwriters Competition, sponsored by the Baltimore Film Office at the Baltimore Office for Promotion and the Arts. Winners will be announced at a Maryland Film Festival special event on May 3. Under the supervision of FMS Senior Lecturer Lucy Bucknell, students were first readers for both features and shorts. Here’s what they had to say about the experience:
Verna Chen, Class of 2026
As a first reader for the 2025 Baltimore Screenwriters Competition, I had the unique opportunity to delve into the diverse world of screenplays crafted by some very talented writers. Serving as this role was like opening a window into the vibrant heart of the city, each screenplay scented with the unique spices of Baltimore’s streets and skies. This experience was not merely an exercise in critical analysis, but a profound journey through the narratives that pulse through this city, echoing the dreams and realities of its people. As a film student, engaging with these diverse voices and techniques sharpened my analytical skills and broadened my understanding of narrative structure. Each script inspired me to appreciate the powerful role storytelling plays in shaping and sharing our communal identities.
Neal Lim, Class of 2025
Serving as a first reader for the Baltimore Screenwriters Competition allowed me to engage with many talented, innovative, and creative voices of Baltimore. Spanning genre, style, and tone, the pieces I reviewed embody both the diversity of expression that film allows and the diversity of experiences that Baltimore fosters. I am grateful for the JHU FMS instructors who prepared me for this experience, and I am humbled by the Baltimore writers who shared their visions with me.
Rex Xiao, Class of 2025
Being the first reader for the competition gave me an excuse to temporarily stay away from my recently completed first feature screenplay and adopt a diagnostic eye, which was helpful as I began re-reading and revising my own work. More importantly, having a better understanding of long-form storytelling and covering for the competition a second time, I was able to empathize more with the writers, as I understood how much work went into each submission. Thus, I saw this opportunity as a way for us to encourage and support one another through the challenges of writing.