Graduate Student Almut Slizyk Delivers Three Papers Based on Archival Work

As part of the research colloquium at the German Literature Archive in Marbach, Almut Slizyk gave a talk on the Jewish poet and philosopher Margarete Susman. Her talk drew on discoveries she made regarding the composition and reception of history of Susman’s first book Das Wesen der modernen deutschen Lyrik (1910) at Marbach. Almut developed this theme further in the lecture “Die Essenz des lyrischen Ich in M. Susmans Das Wesen der modernen deutschen Lyrik,” delivered at the Susman-Workshops in Munich and Zurich in September. She also presented a paper entitled “Leserich’ and ‘Leser-Ich’ – Scenes of Visceral Reading in Malte Laurids Brigge,” at the Berkeley-Yale-Cologne Summer School held at Yale this year. Congratulations, Almut, on an incredibly productive summer and fall!