Daniela Hernández Rodríguez
Lecturer, Spanish
Contact Information
Education: PhD, University of Maryland, College Park
Daniela holds a PhD from the University of Maryland, College Park. Her dissertation, titled “Un asunto minúsculo: Constelaciones en la narrativa contemporánea de lo cotidiano” [A Minuscule Affair: Constellations in the Contemporary Narrative of the Everyday] explores how the everyday, conceptualized as ‘minuscule,’ is depicted in the works of five contemporary Latin American authors using approaches from Affect Theory, New Materialisms, and cultural studies of the everyday. The primary aim of this analysis is to illustrate how these seemingly irrelevant, mundane, or imperceptible aspects of the everyday shed light into the complexity of the present and its subjectivity discourses.
Born in Valparaiso and raised in Punta Arenas, in the south of Chile, Daniela graduated as a journalist from the Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Valparaiso. She worked in magazines, public relations agencies, social media management and content generation for different institutions, and completed a Masters degree in Publishing at the Universidad Diego Portales (Chile).
During her time at UMD she taught a diverse range of courses, from foundational Elementary Spanish and grammar to advanced classes that explore Latin American culture and literature. She also contributed to curriculum development, course coordination and completed the Digital Studies in the Arts and Humanities Certificate.