The Concept of Yiddish in the Art of Mel Bochner

Maryland 110 Lecture by Sunny Yudkoff. This lecture will explore the evolving manifestations of Yiddish in the work of the contemporary artist Mel Bochner. One of the founding figures of American conceptual art, Bochner has continuously re-examined the unstable nature of language. The following presentation investigates how Bochner’s postvernacular invocation of Yiddish calls into crisis […]


The conference will be held in-person at Johns Hopkins University (Homewood Campus) in Baltimore. Professor Pierre-Marc de Biasi will be the keynote speaker. Paper proposals (approximately 300 words), written in French or English, accompanied by a brief biographical note (150 words maximum) should be sent, before 12/12/2022, to the following address: [email protected] How does one […]

Botticelli’s Secret

Gilman 50 Synopsis: Some 500 years ago, Sandro Botticelli, an Italian painter of humble origin, created work of unearthly beauty. An intimate associate of Florence’s unofficial rulers, the Medici, he was commissioned by a member of their family to execute a near-impossible project: to illustrate all 100 cantos of The Divine Comedy by the city’s greatest poet, […]

Body Shaming: Obscenity, Materiality, and the Ontology of German Realist Literature

Gilman 479

Erica Weitzman (PhD, Comparative Literature, NYU, 2012) is Associate Professor of German at Northwestern University. She is the author of Irony’s Antics: Walser, Kafka, Roth, and the German Comic Tradition (Northwestern University Press, 2015) and co-editor of the volume Suspensionen. Über das Untote (Fink, 2015). Her most recent book, At the Limit of the Obscene: German Realism […]

“Jewish Primitivism” – Samuel J. Spinner

Mergenthaler Room #426

JHU Anthropology Department Fall 2023 Colloquium Series - Jewish Primitivism book by Dr. Samuel J. Spinner. In discussion with Clara Han (JHU), Andrew Brandel (University of Chicago), Talia Katz (JHU), & Naveeda Khan (JHU) Jewish Primitivism Please contact Jenny Clarke for the Introduction of the book at [email protected]

Blood Novels: Gender, Caste, and Race in Spanish Realism

Presenter: Julia Chang, Assistant Professor of Hispanic Studies at Cornell University, will be joining us to discuss her award-winning book, Blood Novels: Gender, Caste, and Race in Spanish Realism (U Toronto P, 2022). In addition to her work on Spanish realism, Julia also works on feminism, disability studies, colonialism, and the Philippines. The poster for the talk is […]