The World is a Theater: Apollinaire, War, and Nation

Professor Rentzou's (Princeton) talk, "The World is a Theater: Apollinaire, War, and Nation," will be held in Gilman 479.  Rentzou is the author of the newly published Concepts of the World: The French Avant-Garde and the Idea of the International (Northwestern UP, 2022) and of Littérature malgré elle: le surréalisme et la transformation du littéraire (2010). At […]

Lyric Whiteness: Thoughts on the Construction of an Invisible Category in Germany

Lecture by Hannah Vandergrift-Eldridge (U of Wisconsin-Madison) on 10/11 at 5pm in Shaffer 3. Since the turn of the millennium, the Anglo-American academy and culture at large has embarked on a much-needed analysis of race and lyric poetry. Driven by the work of BIPOC poets and poet-scholars including Claudia Rankine, Dorothy Wang, and Timothy Yu, […]

Frankist Memory in the Brandeis Family and the American Law of Privacy

The Jewish Studies Program presents a lecture by Dr. Nan Goodman in Gilman 17 on 10/21 at 12:30. This talk argues that we cannot fully understand the radical nature of Louis Brandeis’s privacy argument--in particular his focus on the “intense emotional life” and “man’s spiritual nature,” in his celebrated law review article, “The Right to […]

Rousseau’s Philosophy of Government

Gilman 479 Considering Rousseau as a philosopher may still sound like an iconoclastic claim – didn’the spend most of his writings criticizing the philosophes of the Enlightenment? Claimingthat Rousseau is a philosopher of government may sound even bolder – isn’t he usuallyconsidered as a mostly utopian political thinker? This talk will challenge these twoassumptions, examining […]

Black women Against the Land Grab: The Fight for Racial Justice in Brazil

Gilman 219

Dr. Keisha-Khan Perry, Associate Professor of Africana Studies at the University of Pennsylvania and part of the Presidential Penn Compact, will speak about the fight for racial justice in Brazil as part of the Portuguese Program's fall 2022 speaker series. ' You can also join this event on Zoom: Meeting ID: 991 5074 8174