Junyao Li

Junyao Li

Class of: 2020

Intersession Study Abroad: Salvador, Brazil

My spring break trip to Brazil is one of my fondest Hopkins memories. Instead of gaining a secondhand knowledge from textbook and reading, I was able to learn about their music, their dance, their food by experiencing them myself. The class was organized around public health, culture and politics, and it is taught by local professors who are experts in the field. Never would I thought that I would learn about the public health issues and Brazilians’ creative ways of solving these issues by talking directly with nurses and social workers. It was also beyond fortunate to learn about Brazilian graffiti from one of the graffiti artists himself.

Aside from classes, there was also a great amount of free time structured into the trip, and I was able to explore and experience Brazil on my own. Be it learning to make Brazilian cheese bread with my host mother or going to local coffee shops, I was able to make this learning exp erience my own. All of these amazing experiences could not have happened without mentioning professor Flavia. She did a great job, as she always does, selecting the participants, who helped elevate my learning experience. Flavia is always looking for feedbacks and she tries to make things better. You will not be disappointed from anything she dedicated herself into, including this trip. In addition, she is also approachable and flexible, the virtues that are beyond treasures for a trip like this.

Have you been ever stressed out by the massive amount of homework and exams from Hopkins? Have you ever thought about how your college experience would’ve been different have you gone to a different school? Have you ever felt like you wanted to create a special college memory that is more than Brody and MSE? LOOK NO FURTHER! This is the perfect opportunity for you to learn and to have fun! From sunshine and beaches to caipirinha and picanha, from candomblé and capoeira to samba and soccer, this is the trip where you can have it all, do it all! Sign up now for a life-long memory!