Tere’ssa Fleming

Tere’ssa Fleming

Class of 2023

Intersession Study Abroad: Salvador, Brazil

My time in Salvador is something that is still continuing to shape and inspire me months after I have left Brazil. Dr. Azeredo- Cerqueira worked tirelessly to help immerse us into the culture of Salvador. Salvador is a vibrant, exciting, and honest city that is full of sunshine. The curriculum challenged us to think outside of our typical western education, while being able to leave the classroom witness what we were just learning about. This style of learning has stuck with me and helped me excel in my courses at Homewood. My favorite parts of my trip to Salvador was watching the sunset with the Salvadorian community whether from the beach, a mountain, or our school classroom and clapping at the beautiful day in Brazil that we just lived. I can’t wait until I can go back to Salvador!