NSF Master Your Career Webinar

On November 8, 2023, 6:30-8:30 PM CDT the I-ACED Program will host a webinar "Master Your Career" (see flyer attached) about graduate school opportunities available for undergraduate students aspiring to pursue professional master’s degrees in STEM and develop strong, flexible skillset in their area of specialization. If you are considering applying for graduate programs but are concerned about finding […]

Talk: Dr. Vivienne Foroughirad, “The ties that bind”

Krieger 110

Vivienne Foroughirad, who studies dolphins, and will give a talk entitled, "The ties that bind: social constraints on behavioral plasticity in bottlenose dolphins" in Krieger 110 from 3-4:30pm on Fri, Nov 17.

David S. Olton Research Award Proposal Due

The David S. Olton Award is given annually through the Behavioral Biology program to support undergraduate research in the area of the biology of behavior, broadly defined. Undergraduate students from Johns Hopkins psychology, behavioral biology, and neuroscience are encouraged to apply. The award is $4,000. This award is a research award, designed specifically to help […]

Study Sesh: Feeding Minds, One Slice at a Time

Dunning 414

Hosted by Life Design, stop by Dunning 414 on Tuesday, December 12th from 1pm - 3:30pm for a study session, in conjunction with the Neuroscience and Behavioral Biology programs. Pizza will be provided.

Study Sesh: Breakfast For Your Brain

Dunning 414

-Join the Behavioral Biology and Neuroscience programs on Wednesday, December 13th at 10am for a study session, with breakfast provided.

Workshop: Thriving in the Spring Semester

Dunning 414

The Neuroscience & Behavioral Biology programs will conduct a series of workshops for our students in the spring semester. This is an opportunity to network with your peers and gain information about your specific major. The first workshop – Thriving in the Spring Semester - will take place on Monday, January 29th at 5:00 p.m. […]

Deadline: Summer PURA Applications Close Feb 1st

The deadline for Summer PURA (click the link here for more information) applications is Thursday, February 1st at 11:59PM! Summer PURA operates as the summer cycle for the PURA program. This program was created to assist and encourage Hopkins undergraduate students to continue or begin independent research, scholarly and creative projects with our amazing university mentors […]

BBSC Event: Guest Speaker Dr. Krupenye

Dunning 414

We are delighted to announce that Dr. Christopher Krupenye, along with a few members from the Social & Cognitive Origins group, will be joining us as guest speakers. Dr. Krupenye is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychological & Brain Sciences at Johns Hopkins University, holding a Ph.D. from Duke University. His research interests […]

Majors Fair – Student Reps Wanted!

Levering Glass Pavilion

We are seeking volunteers to sign up for 30 – 60 minute slots to talk about Behavioral Bio at the BB majors table. Most of the JHU majors will have tables for freshman to ask questions about the major! Click the link below to sign up:https://livejohnshopkins-my.sharepoint.com/:x:/g/personal/kbohn1_jh_edu/ES5wNtk72exBsKmg9HqLDGkBQYJcFD4YcJyd6SBVNXpCIg?e=T7Vep5&CID=65539b8d-5336-2704-be74-b31105d5dc76