The two sections below includes the core courses, senior seminar, connections in behavioral biology and all courses that can satisfy the three biobehavioral (BEHB-BIOBEH tag) and two social science (BEHB-SOCSCI tag) upper-level requirements. Note some BEHB tags have changed, be sure to examine the most recent year before selecting courses.

Please check the BS requirements page to get a full list of required or optional courses, or consult the online course catalogue for complete course information.

Additional course registration information can be found on the Student Information System website.  

Behavioral Biology Core Courses

Core courses are required of all majors, and generally run the same times every semester. They are not included in the table below.

  • 200.141 Foundations of Brain, Behavior, and Cognition, Fall and Spring
  • 290.101 Human Origins, Fall
  • 200.208 Animal Behavior, Spring
  • 080.250 Neuroscience Lab, Fall and Spring
  • Animal Behavior and Communication Lab (AS.290.303) or Behavioral Evolution Lab (AS.290.306) (required for students graduating 2027 or later)

Spring 2025

Course NumberConcentrationCourse NameDay/TimeLimitPreReqs Brief
AS.020.303BiobehavioralGeneticsTTh 12:00-1:15315*can only be counted as an upper level OR with a lab for the biology requirement
AS.020.319BiobehavioralHuman Genome Variation with LabMWF 10:30-11:4518AS.020.303 Genetics
AS.020.374BiobehavioralComparative Physiology TTh 12:00-1:1519AS.020.305 Biochemistry, *can only be counted as an upper level OR with a lab for the biology requirement
AS.050.239SocialCognitive DevelopmentTTh 10:30-11:45 19
AS.050.325SocialPhonology IMW 1:30 - 2:4520
AS.050.358BiobehavioralLanguage & ThoughtW 1:30 - 415AS.050.102 Language and Mind or AS.050.320 Syntax I or AS.050.325 Phology I
AS.080.304BiobehavioralNeuroscience of Learning and MemoryTTh 4:30-5:4545AS.200.141 Foundations of Brain, Behavior and Cognition OR ( AS.080.305 Neuroscience: Cellular and Systems I AND AS.080.306 Neuroscience: Cellular and Systems I ) OR ( AS.020.312 Intro to the Human Brain AND AS.020.306 Cell Biology ) OR instructor permission.
AS.080.328BiobehavioralBehavioral Neuroscience LabMW 10:30-11:45; TTh 10:30-11:4524 (2 sections of 12)Juniors, Seniors AS.200.141 Foundations of Brain, Behavior and Cognition OR AS.200.302 Behavioral Assessment of Animal Models of Cognition and Neuropsychiatric Disorders OR AS.080.301 Behavioral Assessment of Animal Models of Cognition and Neuropsychiatric Disorders OR (AS.080.305 Neuroscience: Cellular and Systems I AND AS.080.306 Neuroscience: Cellular and Systems II) OR permission by instructor.
AS.080.339BiobehavioralCognitive Neuroscience of Aging (writing intensive)TTh 12-1:1520AS.200.141 Foundations of Brain, Behavior and Cognition OR AS.080.306 Neuroscience: Cellular and Systems II
AS.180.217SocialGame Theory in Social SciencesMW 12 - 1:1512Students may t have previously taken AS.180.117.;
AS.180.102 or instructor permission
AS.180.389SocialSocial Policy Implications of Behavioral EcomicsTTh 9-10:1530AS.180.301 Microecomic Theory OR AS.180.401 Advanced Microecomic Theory

AS.180.334 Ecometrics OR AS.180.434 Advanced Ecometrics can be taken concurrently.
AS.200.304BiobehavioralNeuroscience of Decision MakingTTh 12-1:1519AS.080.305 Neuroscience: Cellular and Systems I AND AS.080.306 Neuroscience: Cellular and Systems II OR instructor permission
AS.200.317SocialInterpersonal RelationshipsMW 1:30-2:4525AS.200.133 Intro to Social Psychology Behavioral Biology, Psychology, Psychology mirs
AS.200.330BiobehavioralHuman and Machine IntelligenceT 1:30-419
AS.200.344BiobehavioralBehavioral EndocrinologyTTh 3:00-4:1570
AS.200.369BiobehavioralNeuroscience of Motivation & RewardTTh 10:30 - 11:45
AS.200.377BiobehavioralNeuroethologyTTh 10:30-11:4515Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors
AS.270.202BiobehavioralIntroduction to EcologyTTh 10:30-11:45 45Intro to Global Environmental Change or General Biology I
AS.270.317BiobehavioralConservation BiologyTh 3:00-5:3016
AS.280.335SocialThe Environment and Your HealthTTh 3-4:15120 Seniors, Juniors, Shophomores Only te: PHS, GECS, ENVS, and Mol Cell Bio majors have 1st priority for enrollment. Your enrollment may be withdrawn at the discretion of the instructor if your are t one of these majors.
AS.290.330SocialHuman SexualityT 1:30-430Restricted to: Public Health Studies, Biology, Behavioral Biology, Psychology, Cognitive Science, Neuroscience, Studies of Women, Gender & Sexuality, Medicine, Science and the Humanities, Molecular & Cellular Biology, Sociology
AS.200.208COREAnimal BehaviorTTH 12-1:1560
AS.290.307BiobehavioralEvolution and Human BehaviorTTh 10-11:4519AS.290.101 OR AS.200.208

Alumni Stories

See where Behavioral Biology alumni go after completing the program.