December 5 at 5:30 pm until 7:30 pm “Visualizing Human and Ecological Loss in Latin America” (Gisela Heffes, Modern Languages and Literatures); “Beeing and Time: Toward a Literary Entomology” (Christiane Frey, Modern Languages and Literatures); […]
News & Announcements Archive
Call for 2024 MLN French issue contributions
The 2024 French issue of MLN invites original contributions, in English or in French, to a special issue entitled “Passage to the Nineteenth Century” edited by Daniel Desormeaux in collaboration […]
Film Screening: The Hidden Life of Trees / Das geheime Leben der Bäume
October 26 | Screening of the film The Hidden Life of Trees (Das geheime Leben der Bäume), based on Peter Wohlleben’s bestselling book by the same title. A follow-up film/book […]
Reflexiones Cervantinas: William Egginton and the theatricality of fiction in the post-truth era
Prof William Egginton, Decker Professor in the Humanities and director of the Alexander Grass Humanities Institute at Johns Hopkins University, weighs theatricality, fictionality, literary criticism, continental philosophy, psychoanalysis and ethics, […]
Severn Teakle Wallis Award
This award is for outstanding essays in Spanish. The award comprises: Eligibility Application Process To apply for the award, please submit the following documents by April 1st (spring graduation), and November 1st (fall graduation), […]
Beyond the Theologico-Political: Hannah Arendt and the Principle of Beginning
Presenter: Facundo Vega, Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez Description: What can and should be the promise of politics today? How does politics begin anew? In his talk, political philosopher Facundo Vega examines the strengths and limitations of Hannah […]
Ökopoetiken: Literarische Umwelten
A digital transatlantic workshop | JHU and RTWH Aachen | 22.–23. September 2023
JHU hosts Nineteenth-Century French Studies Conference
Registration is open for the 48th Annual Nineteenth-Century French Studies (NCSF) conference, which will be held in Baltimore from November 9-11, 2023. The theme of the conference is Passages / […]
Samuel Zawacki Translator-in-residence at the Fondazione Ugo da Como, Summer 2023
We’re excited to announce our fourth-year graduate student, Samuel Zawacki, has won the 2023 “Essays” Competition and will be a Translator-in-residence at the Fondazione Ugo da Como this summer! Sponsored […]
Charles Singleton Graduate Student Essay Prize
Congratulations to Marta Cerreti for winning this year’s prize!