The World is a Theater: Apollinaire, War, and Nation

Professor Rentzou's (Princeton) talk, "The World is a Theater: Apollinaire, War, and Nation," will be held in Gilman 479.  Rentzou is the author of the newly published Concepts of the World: The French Avant-Garde and the Idea of the International (Northwestern UP, 2022) and of Littérature malgré elle: le surréalisme et la transformation du littéraire (2010). At […]

Rousseau’s Philosophy of Government

Gilman 479 Considering Rousseau as a philosopher may still sound like an iconoclastic claim – didn’the spend most of his writings criticizing the philosophes of the Enlightenment? Claimingthat Rousseau is a philosopher of government may sound even bolder – isn’t he usuallyconsidered as a mostly utopian political thinker? This talk will challenge these twoassumptions, examining […]

Language Night @ JHU

Gilman Atrium

Gilman Atrium Are you taking a foreign language now? Wondering how to fit language study into your schedule? Asking yourself what language you'll study next, or getting ready to study abroad? Come learn about Spring 2023 course offerings, programs of study, and extracurriculars in Modern Languages and Literatures as well as through the Center for […]


The conference will be held in-person at Johns Hopkins University (Homewood Campus) in Baltimore. Professor Pierre-Marc de Biasi will be the keynote speaker. Paper proposals (approximately 300 words), written in French or English, accompanied by a brief biographical note (150 words maximum) should be sent, before 12/12/2022, to the following address: [email protected] How does one […]

Environmental Humanities Research Initiative Autumn Panel

Gilman 108

Visualizing Human and Ecological Loss in Latin America (Gisela Heffes, Modern Languages and Literatures) Beeing and Time: Toward a Literary Entomology (Christiane Frey, Modern Languages and Literatures) Modified: Colonial Limits and Plant Life Relations in Transgenics Research (Nicole Labruto, Program in Medicine, Science, and the Humanities; Anthropology) Organized and Moderated by: Jennifer Gosetti-Ferencei, Modern Languages […]