Exploring Careers Workshop
Maryland 109. Exploring Grad School, Medical School and Industry, RSVP here, food served! https://jh.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_eWJh8fC5AQ8IOqi
Maryland 109. Exploring Grad School, Medical School and Industry, RSVP here, food served! https://jh.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_eWJh8fC5AQ8IOqi
Krieger 205 During conversations we rapidly switch between listening and speaking which often requires withholding or delaying our speech in order to hear others and avoid overlap. The ability of […]
Virtual Recruitment Open House for Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, School of Biological Sciences. Learn about the undergraduate, Ph.D., & postdoctoral training programs and new PREP post-baccalaureate program. Discover research in […]
This workshop will discuss your various identities as a student, how you identify with them, and how they will translate to your Behavioral Biology or Neuroscience Career Path! We will be […]
On November 8, 2023, 6:30-8:30 PM CDT the I-ACED Program will host a webinar "Master Your Career" (see flyer attached) about graduate school opportunities available for undergraduate students aspiring to pursue professional master’s […]
Vivienne Foroughirad, who studies dolphins, and will give a talk entitled, "The ties that bind: social constraints on behavioral plasticity in bottlenose dolphins" in Krieger 110 from 3-4:30pm on Fri, Nov 17.
The David S. Olton Award is given annually through the Behavioral Biology program to support undergraduate research in the area of the biology of behavior, broadly defined. Undergraduate students from […]
Hosted by Life Design, stop by Dunning 414 on Tuesday, December 12th from 1pm - 3:30pm for a study session, in conjunction with the Neuroscience and Behavioral Biology programs. Pizza will be […]
-Join the Behavioral Biology and Neuroscience programs on Wednesday, December 13th at 10am for a study session, with breakfast provided.
Join the Behavioral Biology and Neuroscience programs on Thursday, December 14th at 10am for a study session, with treats and caffeine provided.
Join the Behavioral Biology and Neuroscience programs on Friday, December 15th at 4pm for a study session, with pizza provided.
Join the Behavioral Biology and Neuroscience programs on Monday, December 18th at 11am for a study session, with healthy snacks provided.